Q. *** ERROR: ROTA POINT NOT DEFINED. ROTA IGNORED... message appears when importing an NTL file int

Applies To
Area: Import
Date Logged
& Current Version
Sept. 2018


The following is found in the *.MSG log file:

Why, and how to avoid?


This message is a clue to the problem. Find and open the NTL file in any text editor (ex. Ultra Edit, NotePad++, etc..) search for all occurrences of "30"

In this case there were 0 occurrences of this node number in the *.MSG file:

Next inspect the original ADL file for reference to this node point. Appears this node point was suppose to be a part of inserting a reducer. 


Using the information from the *.MSG file, review the entire model for all occurrences of the node point where the ROTA support was to be inserted at to help understand the problem.

In this case, editing the file for the reducer to run, deleted a RIGID option, and now the conversion file open perfectly in AutoPIPE. 

See Also

Issues with Importing *.NTL file

Bentley AutoPIPE