The following procedure is a fool proof way of determining why AutoPIPE is Aborting or Crashing when importing a from another program.
Step #1: |
Review the *.log files |
AutoPIPE provides a number of translators to import files from other programs (PCF Translator, ADL Pipe Translator, etc..). While using these programs they will usually generate a filename.log file for the user to review. There is valuable information in the log file:
Step #2: |
Review the *.msg files |
There are multiple files created when importing a file into AutoPIPE (DAT, BAK, LCK, PRV, MSG, etc..). The *.MSG file contains valuable information about the imported file. The user can review warnings and errors that occurred during the import process. These *.MSG files can be opened by any text editor (i.e Notepad++, Ultra Edit, MS Word, etc..). See WIKI here for additional information about the messages. Example In this example, at node point 104 a new pipe size was defined (PIPE 0.1-10). However the translator could not understand what wall thickness or pipe schedule to use. Therefor it assumed a default wall thickness = outside dia / 4. The user is warned about this via the warning message in the *.MSG file and should immediately review the pipe properties and update them as needed. Avoidance, the PCF file is either missing wall thickness information or the information is not formatted correctly. After determining which is the primary reason, work with technical support of the application used to create the PCF file to correct the problem. |
After pressing Convert button in the PCF translator, the following happens behind the scene:
If successful, the user can then start using AutoPIPE as required to complete the stress analysis. However, if there is a problem the program will either:
Review the Abort report, if available, for more information on why the imported *.NTL file aborted. Otherwise continue to step #3. | |
Step #3: | Use an iterative approach to import the file. |
The newly created file will either open or it will not open and crash again. |
Step #4a: |
If the file opens: Great, but half the file is still missing and there is no indication on why the imported file crashes.
Repeat the process as needed to delete more lines or add lines back into the file. At one point there will be a single command card between the file that imports and the file that does not import. Use AutoPIPE help to determine exactly what part of the command card is not configured or missing, open the original file make the necessary change and try to import the complete newly fixed file. Note there may be more than one error in a file. Again, repeat the process as need until the complete file is imported. |
Step #4b: |
If the file Does Not open: Well at least we know that the problem is in the first half of the file.
The newly created file will either open or it will not open and crash again. Repeat the process above until the file opens in AutoPIPE and follow those instructions above to resolve the issue. |
Issues with Importing *.NTL file
PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting