Typically PCF file are generated by other cad / piping layout related programs. Best to reference these respective program related materials and technical support for creating PCF files.
Note, a PCF file must contain data in a certain format adopted by most of the industry in order to be successfully read in to AutoPIPE's PCF translator. Files that do not meet this minimum requirement will cause the program to abort importing a file. See AutoPIPE's PCF translators help documentation for limitations and file formatting requirements.
List of programs that can generate a PCF file:
> SmartPlant (*.pcf)
> CADWorx (*.pcf)
> SolidWorks (*.pcf)
> AutoDesk Inventor (*.pcf) - click here
> CATIA (*.pcf)
> Autodesk Plant3D (*.pcf) - click here
> AutoDesk Revit (*.pcf)- click here
If a particular application is not listed above, please send in an Service Request with an few simple example PCF files generated by this program with respective drawings to confirm importing accuracy.
Issues with Importing *.NTL file
PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting