03. How to merge / import modified piping arrangement into an existing model using AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2017


How to merge / import modified piping arrangement into an existing model using AutoPIPE?


Existing Piping arrangement:

Updated piping arrangement has an expansion loop to replace the long straight run of the existing piping (A02 - A03).



After creating two individual AutoPIPE model use, Insert a Model> AutoPIPE model command to crate a single AutoPIPE file.(see AutoPIPE help below for details on this topic).

Note: This procedure assumes that the new piping arrangement expansion loop was model to the correct plant coordinates. Otherwise, use Cut/Copy/Paste techniques to move the new piping into position.

After importing / merging the 2 files into a single model should have the following view:

At this point, the 2nd model overlays the 1st model in some locations. Furthermore using Select Connected segments  command, notice that there are 2 Groups further proof that the segments are not connect. Consider the following procedure as one method to connect these 2 segments. 

Step #1. Prepare Existing piping to be connected

a. Hide updated piping arrangement, Segment C, or Group #2

b. Insert a Short run of pipe after the bend A02 (ex. A10), and before the bend A03 (A11).


c. Use Split Segment command at each of the new node points

d. Delete Segment between new node points (ex. Segment D). 

Step #2. Prepare New piping to be connected.

a. Hide existing piping arrangement (ex. Segment A and E)

b. Un-hide new piping arrangement (ex. Segment C)

c. Delete first and last node points on the segment, (ex.C00 and C05).

Step #3: Connect  Piping 

a.  Make 1st node point on new piping as the current node point (ex. C01)

b. Insert Pipe Run> Before>  Name of Point = (connect to node) ex. A10.

c. At the junction between 2 segments use "Join Segment" command to join 2 segments into 1 single segment. 

d. Repeat for next connection of old and new piping (ex. A07 - D01

i. A07 is current point

ii.Insert Run> After> Name of Point = (connect to node) ex. D01.

iii. At the junction between 2 segments us Join command, 

Step #4: Confirm only 1 group of connected segments / piping

See Also

Import AutoPIPE model

Bentley AutoPIPE