01. What start up settings can be customized to be automatically set when a new AutoPIPE model is cr

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Area: settings
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2015


What start up settings can be customized to be automatically set when a new AutoPIPE model is created?


From AutoPIPE online help:

The Tools/Model Options/Save Defaults command allows the user to save all customized system parameters in the current model as defaults for all newly created models in the current directory using the File/New menu option. Options which are saved in the defaults file (AUTOPIPE.DFL) include the General, Edit, and Results Tools/Model Options dialogs. If a new model is created in a working directory, the defaults file in the working directory will be used first. If the defaults file does not exist in the working directory, then the defaults file in the program directory (if existing) will be used instead. Note: To revert to the original AutoPIPE defaults for a new model, delete the AUTOPIPE.DFL file from the AutoPIPE program directory.

As a suggestion, create Template model files. Another words, similar to how people use MS Word by creating and using templates when starting a new reoccurring type of document. Same can be done with AutoPIPE.

In AutoPIPE, create various starter models for use on a specific project, preset all the PipeID's with various sizes and materials already assigned, Load Cases, Piping code selected, Results / Edit Model Options settings predetermined, typical code / non-code combinations etc... already set, save the model as an AutoPIPE APC file in a project specific folder, and when someone needs to create a new model, copy the AutoPIPE APC file from the project folder to a new location, open the newly copied file, save the file with a new appropriate name, and start working. After the model has been completed delete all unused items and analyze the system.

Remember that a complete set of combinations can be imported from other AutoPIPE model by using the Combination Options> "Import Combination File" command. Presto, saving time and maintaining consistency. Using this technique, one could have any number of template file to accommodate all your typical project requirements. Yes you may have to manually set up these models / combinations the first time, but after that it is nothing more than open / import said file as needed. Again, saving time and monotonous repetitive tasks.   

See Also

Save Defaults Settings

Bentley AutoPIPE