W2182-4: Valve/reducer/flex joint should have flanges at both ends warning message in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Warning
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following warning appear when performing a Model Consistency Check or Design Check report. What does the following warning mean and how to resolve it?

W2182-4: Valve/reducer/flex joint should have flanges at both ends. 


As mentioned, the program is warning the user the there maybe a design flaw with respected to flanges at the respective location. This is only a warning, to investigate the issue, fix any potential problems, or ignore this warning in the report. 

Example Scenario #1: 

The following is found in the Design check report

W2182-28: Flanged valve/flexible joint should have mating flange/flanged component at Point B11

Navigating to this location in the AutoPIPE model, B11, see below:

As clearly seen by the images above of the piping arrangement and valve data, both of these valves have flanged connections and Joint End type = Weld Neck. 

The reason why the warning is appearing for this set of valves is because the Valve from B10 - B11 has type = NS (non-standard). The warning would not show if this valve was updated with Type = Gate-F (or any other valve with the "-F" extension). By selecting an AutoPIPE Valve component would recall the default library data for Length and Weight. The user would then modify these library values on the dialog with the correct values (i.e. Length = 802, and Weight = 1050).

Using Type = NS, the program does not understand the connections and prints to warning in the report.

Example Scenario #2: 

The following is found in the Design check report

W2182-28: Flanged valve/flexible joint should have mating flange/flanged component at Point B11

Navigating to this location in the AutoPIPE model, B11, see below:

As clearly seen by the images above of the valve data and piping arrangement, the valve is flanged but there is no mating flange at B11, hence the warning is displayed in the report.

Similar to Scenario #1 above, recommend changing this Valve Type = NS to Type = Gate-F (or any other valve with the "-F" extension). By selecting an AutoPIPE Valve component would recall the default library data for Length and Weight. The user would then modify these library values on the dialog with the correct values (i.e. Length = 802, and Weight = 1050). Furthermore, select node point B11 and insert a Flange with the correct settings. 

If this was a Flange x Weld Valve, insert the appropriate SIF at B11 with Insert> Xtra Data> Joint Type and User SIF> Select the appropriate settings and check "Override all other SIFs at this point" option ON. The warning may still appear in the report, but that is acceptable providing it is being modeled as a Flange x Weld valve with the correct SIF settings

See Also

"Warnings" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE