W726-7: Pipe diameter change without a reducer at point XXX warning message in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Warning Message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following is displayed in model consistency check report:

W726-7:  Pipe diameter change without a reducer at point XXX


This warning message is displayed whenever there is a difference in pipe properties OD or wall thickness between two sucessive points in a model without a reducer.


Option #1:

Insert a reducer between the 2 different pipe properties.

Option #2:

As the designer, accept the warning as OK, and ignore it as the joint is correctly modeled. Insert a user Joint type / SIF added as needed. 

Option #3:

This warning will appear when modeling a tee where 1 segment makes up both 1/2 the run of a Tee and the branch of a Tee, while the 2nd segment makes up the remanding 1/2 the run of a Tee. 

This modeling technique is OK, however the warning will appear. Use one of the solutions below.

Solution #1: Make Tee using 3 different segments.

Solution #2: Make header 1 segment and branch a separate segment (use instructions on the following WIKI here).

Known issue:

There have been cases where the message is being displayed but the pipe appears to be using the same PipeID.

Understand how the pipe is broken into Segments: 

Upon further investigation of the model input listing or Input grids, one can clearly see that different PipeID's have been specified.  

Note, that each node point has a 2 sides, upstream and downstream. In this case the user was able to specify Segment C at the tee junction (ex. C00) with PipeID = 14.00P2 on both sides of the node point. However, at the junction between Seg C & D, the user was able to specify PipeID = 12.00P2 on the upstream side, and PipeID = 14.00P2 on the downstream side. Neither the user or AutoPIPE development was able to repeat this. Regardless the fix is simple. Select Segment C, use Modify> Pipe Properties over range, and select the correct pipe property, ex 14.00P2. The new model consistency check report no longer reports this node point with a W726-7 warning.

See Also

Warnings Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE