14. AutoPIPE Stress Isometric customization - prevent .00 (trailing Zeros) after metric dimensions t

Applies To
Area: Stress Isometric
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Feb. 2016


How to prevent trailing Zeros from appearing on all dimension values that are using metric format (i.e. mm) from being displayed on an AutoPIPE Stress Isometric using OPIM?


OPIM version 10.9 and higher

Close AutoPIPE

All the settings regarding formatting values for dimension, reporting, diameters and coordinates are in the style.xml file. OPIM now uses a pattern where a single pattern replaces all the individual settings from style.cfg used in the previous versions. 













In this case one would change DimensionsMetric or DimensionsImperial, a few examples:

#             rounded to nearest integer value

#.#         at most one decimal

#.0          exactly one decimal

Shown below is part from the documentation

Format Specifiers

A format specifier is a combination of #, 0, decimal point and other characters. In general, the # and 0 (zero) characters are used as value placeholders, all others are used as is.

Please see below for a few examples:

Integer formatting: Examples use 3.1 as input value


What does it do



Format as integer.



Format as integer with at least 2 digits. Leading zeros will be used for numbers < 10.



Format as integer with at least 3 digits. Leading zeros will be used for numbers < 100


Decimal formatting: Examples use 3.014 as input value


What does it do



Format as decimal with at most one digit after the decimal point.



Format as decimal with exactly one digit after the decimal point



Format as decimal with exactly three digits after the decimal point



Format as decimal with leading zeros for number < 100 and exactly two digits after the decimal point.


Imperial formatting: Examples use 61.625 as input value


What does it do



Format as feet/inch/fraction. The first # is the placeholder for the feet part, the second # is the placeholder for the inch part and the third # is the placeholder for the fraction numerator. The 16 after the / specifies the accuracy for the fraction denominator. Possible values are 2,4,8,16,32,64.

All of the characters between the placeholders and after the accuracy part are displayed as is.


# Feet #-#/16 Inch

Same as above but with different unit display.

5 Feet 1-5/8 Inch


Format as inch/fraction. Same as above except for feet display.


#-#/16 Inch

61-5/8 Inch


An integer value following the inch placeholder specifies an inch/feet threshold. Below the threshold the value is reported in inches. Above it feet are used. Normally only 24 would be optionally used in dimensioning.


Formatting with conversion

Optional one can divide/multiply the input value. This is done by pre-pending the format specifier with /<number>. For instance: /12 divides the input value by 12 and then applies the formatting.


What does it do



Divide the input by 12 and format as a decimal with exactly 2 digits after the decimal point. The end result is decimal feet when used in an imperial project.

18 -> 1.50 ft.

/36#.00 yards

Same above except output in yards

18 -> 05.yards

/1000#.000 m

Output as meters with 3 significant digits.

2500 -> 2.500 m

OPIM version 10.8 and lower

Close AutoPIPE

The style.cfg file requires an update. It is located in following folder(s):

1. “[InstallationDirectory] \ isoextractor \ projects \ project01 \ stress \ Config \ style.cfg”.

2. [ProgramData] \ Bentley \ [AutoPIPE CONNECT version folder] \ isoextractor \ projects \ project01 \ stress \ Config \ style.cfg.

Note: This style.cfg file is copied from folder #1 to folder #2 when the application is first opened or when profiles are reset.

The file can be open in any Text editing application (i.e. MS Word, NotePAD, UltraEdit ect..)

After the file is opened, search for the following entry  "IE_FMT_DIMENSION_DECIMAL_PLACES  = 1"

the value 1 can be changed to zero to remove the trailing zero. Please note that the value will always be rounded off in such case and no decimals will be displayed.

Save the file, close the file, start AutoPIPE,  open/create a model, save a Stress Isometric and confirm the setting works. 

See Also

Stress Isometric Troubleshooting: Dimension Issues

Customize Stress Isometric drawings

Bentley AutoPIPE