AutoPIPE Manuals

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: documents
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Are there any AutoPIPE manuals available that can be sent to me?


In order to help the environment, Bentley no longer produces printed / digital application manuals. All the data that would have been in these manuals are now available in the application’s electronic Help utility. This allows the user to quickly search based on key words or navigate through a table of contents listing to find information faster than flipping through multiple volumes of books. One could open individual sections of the AutoPIPE Help utility in the program and print hard copies as required. 

AutoPIPE's help covers many topics:

      1. Pipes
      2. Bends
      3. Reducers
      4. Cuts
      5. Rotating Equipment
      6. Flexible Joints
      7. Supports
      8. Frames
      9. Tees
      10. Hangers
      11. Valves
      12. Nozzles
      13. Vessels
      14. PipeSOIL Interaction: Transition Example
      15. Water Hammer (Time History) Example
      16. Steam Relief (Time History) Example
      17. Harmonic Analysis Example

In addition, more technical literature is available in the various locations both inside and outside of the program. For new users strongly suggest to review WIKI here for information specifically dedicated towards people that are new to using AutoPIPE. Furthermore, if you attend an official Bentley Institute Training class, the trainer provides additional in depth training manuals based on the topics covered in

Pclass that are not available by any other means. 

Remember, no matter how long you have been using the application (1 hour - xx years), all level of AutoPIPE users will learn new information, tips, tricks, etc.. from attending any training class. Plus, the added bonus of having a live instructor to answer any questions about the application while in class. Know that the CAE development team is constantly updating / improving the program, taking training classes is one of the best ways of staying current with the application. Otherwise, one could spend many frustrating hours trying to accomplish a goal that would only taken a few moments, had you only known that a new added feature existed to help. (example: renumber and reordering segments, or manually creating an isometric drawing when there is a specific feature to do so). 

Print a hard copy or Save to PDF

Use the following instructions in order to generate a hard copy or PDF of a specific help topic. 

1. Open AutoPIPE help to a specific topic

2. Left click the mouse pointer atop the topic title in the subject matter tree view.

3. Then Right click on the mouse pointer on the same title to open the pointer submenu.

4. Select  Print... then choose:

- Print the selected topic 

- Print the selected heading and all subtopics

5. When the print dialog appears, print to a selected printer for a hard copy or printer configured to produce a PDF file. 


If the desired topic to be printed contains table(s) that span multiple pages, the final print / PDF may not be printed correctly. Typically the problem is related to print drivers or printer settings. One may need to investigate / iterate different printers / settings to correct print a long image. 

If a particular page does not print correctly, please file a Bentley Service Request mentioning this WIKI, clearly identify the exact location of the help topic having such troubles, and we will be sure to fix the page.

See Also

Program Help Information

Bentley AutoPIPE