Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Area: | Warning |
Date Logged & Current Version | Aug2021 |
The following appears in the model consistency check report:
* * * W A R N I N G - MODEL * * *
W2164-145:B31 App J: SIF values for the tee(s) below are not valid, as the ratio of run mean diameter to
run thickness is greater than or equal to 50.
How to avoid it and fix it?
This message appears when the branch piping is more than +/ - 5 deg from being normal to the header pipe (i.e. 90 deg).
More explicitly, if the branch piping angle to the header pipe is over 95 deg or less than 85 deg, the message will appear.
To avoid having this message displayed, angle of branch piping to header pipe must be >85 deg but < 95 deg.
1. To properly model a Lateral Tee, it is important to select the Type of Tee as "Other" and make necessary adjustments to the settings. It should be noted that most piping codes' SIF calculations do not include Lateral branch connections, so it is the user's responsibility to input the relevant values for the components.
Warnings Messages displayed in AutoPIPE