RAM Modeler Tutorial

During this section of the tutorial, you will construct a 4 story building with a variety of member types and configurations. You will start by creating the 2nd Floor Plan as shown below. Then you will copy and edit that data to create additional floors. The model is intended to show many of the capabilities of the software all in this one model and as such may be somewhat eclectic.

To invoke the RAM Modeler, from the RAM Manager Menu Bar,

Figure 1: 3rd Floor Plan Figure

Floor Layout Type

Each unique floor should be modeled as a different "layout type" in the RAM Modeler. The power of the Floor Layout Type is that it allows the program to consider floor framing layouts the same way the Engineer considers floor plans in construction drawings. That is, a typical floor layout may occur at multiple levels in the structure. The RAM Structural System takes advantage of this same practice by employing floor layout types. You will need to create at least one floor layout type for every model you create.

Note: The terms "layout type", "floor type", "floor layout type" and "floor layout" are used interchangeably both in this document and in the program.

To create and select a floor type:


Note: From this point on all the elements that are created are associated with the floor type labeled "2nd". The Layout Type dropdown list located in the toolbars indicates the currently active layout type. This drop down list can also be used to switch between layout types.


At this point, there is the opportunity to import an AutoCAD .DXF file to generate the grids, beams and columns of the current floor type. This option is not going to be used in order to illustrate the step-by-step approach instead.

Grid Layout

The modeling of a structural floor plan or layout typically begins with the layout of the gridlines, just as you would start a framing plan drawing. The primary gridlines are used to locate the columns and walls. Construction grids are ideal for locating items like beams or loads. The grids can be adjusted later and the model can be automatically stretched in the process.
The grids for this model are shown in Figure 1 above for the 3rd Floor. Note that while the 3rd floor is used as the graphic, the grids are the same on all floor types.

First, create the Grid Systems:


Next, define the Grids for each Grid Systems:

Adding multiple grids at one time: 

Adding single grids:

Your screen should now have the grids shown in Figure 2 above.
Select the Y Grid tab.

Figure 3  

Your screen should now have the grids shown in Figure 3 above.

You will now define the grids for the Radial Grid System.

Select the Circular Grid tab.

To select the grid systems to be used for the various levels:

Your screen should now show the grids as depicted in the 3rd Floor Plan figure at the beginning of this chapter (see Figure 1 at top).

It is a good idea to save your work periodically, to do so now:

Concrete Beam and Column Section Properties

The 2nd Floor Type consists of a combination of different concrete members. To prepare for laying out the beams and column, the Material must first be set to Concrete. To do this:

To enter Column Sections:

There are two concrete column sizes required for this model:

To enter the concrete beam properties:

There will be three different concrete beam sections in this model. Enter them as follows:

Concrete Column Layout

Columns can be located at the intersections of gridlines (On-Grid) or at any other location on the layout (Off-Grid). Throughout the program output, columns are identified by the grid intersection they are on, so it is recommended to place the column On-Grid. Placing columns On-Grid is also the best way to assure that they line up from level to level. If a column is at the confluence of three or more grid lines, you may want to stop all but two of the grid lines short of the intersection so that the program can identify the column correctly.

Figure 4: Concrete Column and Wall layout (2nd Floor Type)

To begin modeling the columns:

This will take you back to the graphics screen with the plus sign cursor  .

Note: If you accidentally place a member with an incorrect setting, you can undo the last command Using Edit - Undo. If it's too late to undo the command, then you can delete the erroneous column and model it again, or you can fix it by using the Change Properties command. This is covered later in the tutorial.

Now assign concrete column section sizes.

This completes the layout of concrete columns on the 2nd Floor. We have a few steel columns to add, but we are going to put the concrete walls in first.

Concrete Wall Layout

 Like columns, walls can be placed on or off of the established grids. You will only use the On-Grid feature in this section. Walls can only be placed while the current material is set to either "Concrete" or "Other".

This will take you back to the graphics screen:

Note: In single mode, a white line appears after selecting the start point of a wall. This "rubber band" displays the position of the wall before the other end is located. The same graphic also appears when laying out slab edges, deck polygons, line loads, etc.
Note: In the modeler, walls and columns are placed according to the center location. In reality a concrete wall between two pilasters may be shifted slightly from the column centerline or gridline. For simplicity of modeling and analysis, it is highly recommended to place the columns and walls on the same centerline regardless.
Note: These "flange walls" could be modeled as either gravity members or lateral members. As gravity members they will not participate in the lateral finite element analysis in RAM Frame. The "L" shaped walls will act together to resist the lateral loads in both the N-S and E-W directions. In the Concrete Shear Wall program special boundary conditions can be put into place to enforce the placement of special confinement. This will be discussed in the Shear Wall section.

Copy Floor Types

In many buildings the various floor types are similar. The program has a feature for copying information from one level type to another. The feature only works when you have a blank level type current.

The graphics view is altered to show you the 3rd floor type. At this time, there is nothing on this floor type.
It is completely blank at this time. In the menu bar at the top of the modeler, you'll notice that the current level type has changed from 2nd to 3rd. This pull down menu is the quickest way to switch from level to level.

The 3rd level will now be an exact duplicate of the 2nd floor. Any changes made from this point on will be to one level only. We will copy to the Typical and Roof floor types later.

Concrete Beam Layout

Beams can either be located between the intersection of gridlines or existing members, or Off-Grid, which is usually the case for secondary framing. Beams can also be automatically generated by the program at regular spacing. Cantilevers can be added to beams after the main span is modeled. Not all beam layout commands will be illustrated in this tutorial, but all are explained in the on-line Help or RAM Modeler documentation.

Figure 5: Concrete Beam Layout (3rd Floor)

Since there are only 2 concrete beams to be added to the 2nd floor type, we will quickly add them then move to the 3rd floor type for a detailed approach to adding beams. To add beams to the plan:

Note: You can also change floor types by selecting 2nd from the drop down combo box on the toolbar:

This will take you back to the graphics screen with the plus sign cursor  .

Figure 6: 2nd floor type Concrete Beam layout

Now switch to the 3rd floor type to continue laying out concrete beams.

A word about the Fence option: this will add beams from column to column (on grid) within the fenced area. If you incorrectly add a beam, it can be deleted or you can undo the last steps. Fence mode is extremely useful for adding beams in regular structures.

For this model, the fence command added a beam between grids B-1 and E-1 that is not needed. To remove it:

 Note: You can also delete the currently selected member type by using the delete button on the toolbar.

Add additional beams as follows.

Now change the gravity beams between lateral columns to lateral beams selecting Layout-Beams-Change Properties, then selecting the Framing checkbox (which will activate the Framing dialog) and the framing to lateral. The final Framing plan should look like this:

Figure 7: Concrete Beams On-Grid (3rd Floor Type)

Now it's time to add the infill beams. These beams could be modeled as either beams or pan joists. When adding pan joists, you must initially assign a size to the edge beams, then specify the pan size or the spacing between the beams. If the spacing does not work out perfectly, then there will be one odd space. When laying out beams, on the other hand, it is the centerline that you are defining. Since this tutorial needs to work for two systems of units, we will add beams rather than pan joists. To add the intermediate, infill beams:

Like concrete columns, all concrete beams must be assigned a preliminary size in order to perform a complete analysis. Before assigning sizes, it's best to turn on the size display:

That completes the layout of concrete members in the Tutorial model. If you purchased a license for the RAM Concrete design module only, and do not have a license for RAM Steel then you should substitute concrete beams and columns for steel beams and columns in the following sections, or omit those members altogether. You are allowed to model steel members even if you don't have a license for RAM Steel, but you must assign a specific size to all of those members prior to running the model in RAM Concrete.

Steel Column Layout — Lower Levels

Modeling Steel members is identical to modeling concrete members, but the gravity only steel members do not have to be assigned any specific size. The RAM Steel design modules will select an optimum size for each.

Now it's time to add the extra columns for the entrance atrium canopy on the 2nd and 3rd level:

2nd Level Steel Columns

3rd Level Steel Columns

Moving and Sloping Columns

In the modeler you have the option to move columns either completely or top or bottom only. With the top or bottom only commands you can slope a column or join the top or bottom of multiple columns at a point. In order to achieve the sloping face of the open atrium we will have to slope the steel columns of the 2nd and 3rd floor types.

Note: You can also move the complete columns or top or bottom only by using the Increment Current Coordinates command in the Column-Move dialog or in the Layout-Columns-Text dialog.
Note: For gravity columns, remember that RAM designs the columns for the vertical component of the forces only. All horizontal thrust data is not used or stored. So, for columns with increasing angles and lateral loads, the thrust that is resisted or transferred by these columns is neglected.

Steel Beam Layout — Lower Levels

Steel beams, like concrete beams, must be modeled to have two supports. Beams with cantilevers are modeled as simple-span beams first, then the cantilevers are added to the end. Do not attempt to add a long beam from the tip of the cantilever to the other end of the beam as it will cross the supporting beam or column which is not allowed. When you have indeterminate systems, like two cantilevers meeting at a point, simplifications may have to be made. To begin laying out beams:

Note: In order for a beam to be designed as a composite beam, it not only needs to be defined as a composite section, but it also needs to have a composite deck on top of it for the entire beam length. If the beam is covered with noncomposite deck (or no deck at all) then it will always get designed as noncomposite.
Note: The direction you add the beam does not matter. Beams are always assigned a left end and a right end based on the geometry.

2nd Floor Steel Beams On-Grid

 We need a pair of beams to finish the framing of the open atrium. To add them:

There are many options for adding beams off-grid. Often it is a matter of adding a new beam parallel to an existing beam with some specified offset. This can be done even if the new beam is in a different bay. In this case the beams will be added from a column to a beam.

3-D view of first 2 floor types

That completes the layout of beams on the 2nd level, but there is some more work to do on the other level types.

Steel Member Layout — Typical Level

We'll start our work on the Typical Level, by copying all items from the 3rd floor type.

We will not use the radial grids on this level so it is best to turn them off.

Not all of the walls from the 3rd floor type are used on the Typical level so some need to be deleted.

We will now add a beam where the wall had been.

Note: At this time the beam is concrete, like the other members on the level.

The Typical floor is comprised of steel members but since we copied the framing from the 3rd floor, the members are currently all concrete. Change the material of the beams as follows:

Now, clear all of the user assigned sizes (assigned to concrete beams prior to copy).

Note: If the concrete sizes are not cleared from the steel beams, the Steel Beam Design Module will search for the user assigned sizes in the steel tables resulting in design errors.

Now change the columns from concrete to steel.

Now we must change the lateral steel columns on grid line 5 to gravity and change their orientation to  .

Similarly, change the beam on grid A between grids 4 and 5 to gravity.

Move the columns on Gridline 5 by

We will now add a cantilevered balcony to the Typical level.

Note: You can also use the Add On Grid command for this situation as snap points are assigned to the ends of all beams.

Verify the typical level framing in the picture below.

Complete Framing of the Typical Level

 Now, we will place some lateral beam bracing for the moment frame beams.

Lateral Beam bracing

Steel Joist Layout — Roof

To begin work on the roof level, copy information from the Typical level.

Delete the unneeded beams from the Roof floor type.

Delete the unneeded columns from the Roof floor type.

Now we're going to change steel beams to Joists.

Add additional Joists as follows.

Roof Beam and Joist Framing

Slab Edge

Now that the floor framing layout is complete, the slab edges and slab openings must be laid out. Regardless what type of deck you are using, the level needs to have a slab edge. The deck and surface loads need the slab edges to define their boundaries. To layout the slab edge:

Note: When "Left" is selected as shown above, always layout slab edges in a clockwise direction. Moving in the opposite direction will result in errors.

Press the <Esc> key to dismiss the "Keyboard Entry" dialog and return to the arrow cursor.

You should see the slab edge (a green outline) surrounding the entire perimeter of each of the two diaphragms on the 2nd Floor Plan. The slab edge must create a single, complete loop.

Now layout the slab edge on the other floor types.

Typical Floor plan with Slab Edge

Slab Opening

Now that the slab edge is complete, you can now add an interior opening:

Note: When "Left" is selected as shown above, always layout slab openings in a counter-clockwise direction. Moving in the opposite direction will result in errors.

Slab edge openings, like slab edge overhangs are always offset from the center line of the framing, but these edges are offset towards the center of the opening. Also, when a bay is enclosed on all four sides, the In Bay command can be used for a much easier opening addition.

Floor Slabs and Deck

To complete the physical model it is necessary to apply a slab or deck to the structure. The slab and the deck properties are necessary both to determine composite beam section or T-Beam properties as well as to facilitate the distribution of the gravity load. You do this in two stages, first you will define the properties of the decks and slabs, and then you will layout the slab on the floor. To define the Slab Properties:

On the Composite Floor System tab,

Set the other attributes as follows:

On the Noncomposite Floor System tab, define two noncomposite decks.

Note: The diaphragm info entered is not typical and is used for illustration purposes only. This information is only used in RAM Frame for semi-rigid diaphragm calculations.

On the Concrete Slab System Tab, define three concrete slabs.

You have now defined the decks/slabs to be applied to the floor plan.

A few notes on decks: ANY Steel members that are under ANY portion of two way deck will not be completely designed. This means that any force coming from the two way slab will be lost to the steel member. Decks can be used as supports for columns, therefore gravity and lateral forces can be applied to other members through the diaphragm. Keep this in mind when placing lateral members in particular as the deck must be meshed to transfer the lateral loads in RAM Frame. Walls cannot be supported by any deck.

We will now apply the decks to the 2nd floor type.

We will layout drop caps on this level as well.

Note: Drop Caps can initially be made only square or rectangular. Once laid down, you can alter the polygon to be almost any shape, similar to a standard deck. Please be aware that only the standard shapes will have data under the Layout-Slab-Deck Assign-Show command.
Note: Drop caps are anchored to the columns that they are added to, so if a column is moved or deleted the drop cap will follow suit.

Now layout decks on the other floors.

This will take you back to the graphics screen.

With the "+" cursor, click at each of the corners of the slab edge around the steel beams that make up the atrium canopy. A continuous white line should appear as you trace out this polygon. Once the polygon is closed the area will be hatched differently that the concrete slab area.

3rd Level Deck Areas

The entire floor, except the slab openings, should now be hatched indicating the slab placement. (If the program does not display the deck, it means your slab edge or one of the slab openings are not closed properly. Return to fix that now.). The deck itself is always truncated to the slab edge so it is fine to add deck areas larger than the floor plan as you did here. By making the deck extra large you are assured that the correct deck extends out to the slab edge overhang. This is recommended to prevent unwanted decking on the overhang that might incorrectly brace the perimeter beams.

The points that define the deck or slab assignment area can also be established using the Keyboard Mode Coordinate Entry dialog box that appears on screen. The X and Y fields are related to the global coordinate system of the model. Once you have established a node of the deck polygon, those values can also be used to generate an offset, or relative displacement, for the next node. The dialog box can be moved if it is in your way when graphically selecting points.

You can also alter the deck polygon by using the change polygon command in the Deck Assignment Mode dialog.
We will demonstrate that by separating the main concrete deck from the noncomposite deck.

3rd floor type concrete deck polygon

Now you can assign decking to the other levels.

We will add the Roof decking once we have altered the pitch of the roof since each sloped plane of the roof will need to be added separately.

Story Data

With all of the floor types defined, you can now designate the arrangement of these floor types in the building. This is called the story data:

Note: It is recommended to enter the deck/slab support elevation difference between stories (Top of Steel-Top of Steel) when entering the story height data.
Note: Since there are sloping columns on these two floor types, the program will place splices automatically during column design if not selected here.

A full 3-D model of your structure has now been developed, albeit not quite complete. To view your 3D model:

Note: the environment and interface of the 3D view is also used in some of the design modules.

Sloping the Roof

The Modeler also has the ability to modify the slope of a level. This is done by adjusting the columns or walls from the story reference datum. Foundations can also be raised or lowered. Before modifying the elevations, you will want to turn on the display of the column elevations.

First we'll modify the height of the columns.

Now modify the height of the walls.

Note: You can also modify one side of any wall by using the [Single] command and following the on screen prompts. Also note that any attached walls will automatically be adjusted for height.

Construction Grids

In addition to these two grid systems, the model also needs a few construction grids to aid in the modeling of certain features. Construction grids are useful for modeling loads or deck areas that do not fall exactly on the framing. Construction grids will not appear in any other design module and they are not labeled. To create a construction grid:

These construction grids will aid in laying down the different deck planes.

Note: You may want to try adding by whole floor to see how the sloping diaphragm is affected.

If you review the 3D view now you should be able to see the slope of the Roof.

Defining Loads

You will now define and apply the gravity loads for which the floor's gravity system will be designed. Loads must first be defined and then applied to the model.

The applied loads on a typical floor consist of surface loads, including tapered snow loads, and line loads. The gravity loads will be defined in the Load Properties dialog boxes. There are separate dialog boxes for defining surface loads, line loads, point loads and snow loads. To define the Surface Loads:

To define the Line Loads:

Point load properties can be defined in a similar manner as the line and surface loads. Feel free to do so now.

To define Snow Loads:

Applying Loads

Now that the loads are defined, it's time to apply them to the floor.

You should see the two floor diaphragms covered with a hatch pattern. At this stage you have the floor load over the entire floor area. You could now place other loads over a portion of the floor (as in the case of corridor, storage or equipment loads) and those loads would supersede (replace) the floor load in that area. Surface loads are not cumulative.

Snow loads are applied in much the same way as surface loads.

Snow Loads on the Canopy

To layout the Line Loads:

A line indicating the load will appear along all perimeter beams. The line will be broken up into segments, but this not a requirement when modeling line loads.

Add the Line loads to the 2nd level type in a similar fashion by clicking from column to column or wall.

Note: When adding line loads to a deck with no beams (two-way slab) you must add them by using the [Add] command and clicking from column to column or wall. The [Whole Perimeter] command only works if the perimeter of the structure is enclosed by beams or walls.
Note: Point Loads and Line Loads do not have to be placed directly on a beam for them to be recognized by the program. When those loads are placed directly on the deck the program will distribute a portion of the load to the adjacent framing based on the angle of the deck and the location of the load.

Steel Beam Size Restrictions

You can assign specific sizes to steel beams using Layout - Beam - Assign Size which is nice for evaluating existing structures. In this case, we want the program to pick the beam sizes for us, but we want to make sure all the cantilever beams are the same

Note: When a gravity beam cantilevers over another beam or column, the behavior is assumed to be that of a fulcrum. No moment is transferred into the supporting member. If you want moment to be transferred as in the case of a fully restrained moment connection, then the beam and the support should be modeled as Lateral members. With lateral members, you can control the end fixity of all the members.
Note: These limits are literal limits on the beam depth. We are using a depth range here to insure that we get nominal 10" beam.
Note: While you are in the Steel material mode you cannot alter concrete beams.

With the Options - Set Show Options command, you can confirm the attributes assigned to the model graphically. For example, you can use that feature to highlight all beams with an assigned size restriction.

Note: For joist girders, the maximum depth field is used explicitly in labeling the member. These joists will not be deeper than 24", they will be exactly 24" deep. For more on the design labeling of joists and joist girders, refer to the online documentation for the Steel beam module.

Brace Points

In the design of steel beams, the program automatically determines the unbraced length of the top and bottom flanges. When a beam frames into a girder, that girder is braced on the top and bottom flange at that location, but when a joist frames into a girder, only the top flange is braced by default.

In the graphics mode, select one of the frame beams on Grid Line 4 and then pick at the left end. A yellow triangle on the underside of the beam will appear. If top brace points are placed, the triangle would appear on top.

Continue adding brace points until there is one at or near each joist location on all lateral moment frame beams. If you make a mistake select Edit Undo or use the Delete brace point option and remodel.

Web Openings

Steel beams can have openings modeled in the web. The size and the location of the opening must be specified, but then the program can optimize the beam and the stiffener plates (when required). To model an opening:

Web Openings

Web openings which occur near the end of the beam or within a small distance of a supported beam will always generate a warning in the design. For more information on web openings, refer to the Steel Beam module on-line documentation.

Note: The program is equipped to model and design Smartbeams with repeated hexagonal or circular openings down the length of the beam. This tutorial will not use any Smartbeams, however.

Layout Bracing

The next step in the layout of this structure is to define the vertical bracing system. The layout of vertical bracing is performed in the elevation mode of the Modeler.

In elevation mode, a new menu of commands is available to you. While some of the commands from plan mode are included, other commands, such as Layout - Braces, are unique to elevation mode. To add braces:

This will take you back to the elevation view:

Assigning Lateral Member Sizes

The RAM Steel Beam Design and RAM Steel Column Design modules optimize the design of the steel gravity members. It is not necessary to assign sizes to these members. However, if you want the program to use (check) a specific size for a particular gravity beam, the Assign Sizes command can be used to assign a size to an individual gravity member. The selected member size would be checked for adequacy and no design optimization will be performed for that member. If the steel beam is specified as composite then RAM Steel Beam Design module will determine the number of studs required to meet the design criteria.

The lateral analysis performed in RAM Frame, on the other hand, requires that preliminary sizes be assigned to the Lateral members in order to analyze those frames. The preliminary sizes can be assigned manually in the RAM Modeler using the Assign Size commands, in RAM Frame using similar Assign Size commands, or member size can be left out and the program will then automatically assign a size adequate for the gravity loads only when the RAM Steel Beam and RAM Steel Column modules are executed.

Note: You can simply type the section name in the box above the list or browse to it.

That completes the braced frames, now you can move on to the moment frames.

Assign Frame Numbers

Reference numbers, referred to as Frame Numbers, can be assigned to some or all the members of a frame. RAM Frame uses these numbers to organize output to printed reports and screen output. While frame numbers are not required by the program, they are an excellent way to organize output.

Frame Fixity

To change or review the member end fixities it is recommended that you display the end fixity on screen:

The default element fixity for lateral beams and columns is fixed in all degrees of freedom (Major, Minor, Torsion). Gravity steel beams are always pinned, though concrete gravity beams can be fixed. The default for braces is to be pinned in all directions.

The fixed condition is indicated by an "X" while a pinned end condition is indicated with an "O". When all fixity conditions are shown simultaneously, for the left or top end of a member, the first character (reading left to right) is for the major axis, the second is for the minor axis and the third is for the torsion axis. For the bottom or right end of the member the opposite order applies.

If the Frame numbers are interfering with the end fixity symbols then turn off the frame numbers by again selecting Options - Show Property - Frame Number.

The Assign Frame Column Fixity dialog box should appear. It has two sets of option buttons that give you the choice of setting the column ends to fixed or pinned. One set is for the top of the column and the other for the bottom.

To change the Frame Fixity for the ends of the beams for the frame on Grid F only:

This completes the layout of the frames. Now you can assign the fixity for all concrete beams.

Wall Openings

A lateral wall can be modeled with openings. Opening for doors and windows can easily be placed in the walls. Openings can also be modeled that cross the edge boundaries of wall elements, but if the top edge of the wall is going to be clipped by the opening we recommend that the wall be split into separate pieces. Otherwise the floor framing might frame into the opening. To model an opening:

The opening will show as a black rectangle on the wall near the middle of the wall. The opening is tied to this wall and if it should be altered (due to a change in the story height or a modification to the grids for example) then the opening will maintain its position to the Reference corner. When an opening spans across more than one wall segment, it is still associated with one wall or the other.

Wall openings can be changed using the command Layout - Walls - Wall Openings - Change. They can also be deleted or reviewed using the delete and show options respectively. The wall openings are assigned numbers and the numbers can be shown using Options - Show Property - Wall Opening Numbers.

Layout Foundations

The RAM Structural System also includes a module for the design of foundations. Like the other modules, the foundations need to be modeled in the Modeler before they can be designed and they can be modeled even if no license for the Foundation Design module is available. Below is a reference for the final foundation layout. Note that the foundations are modeled on the lowest framed level, in this case the 2nd floor. There is no need to define a separate foundation level.

Foundation Layout

Note: Foundations should be placed at the level where the column or wall stops. This is typically the lowest level of a structure, but foundations may also be placed at elevated levels (e.g. in cases where you are modeling a partial basement). The bottom of all columns and walls will always be supported whether a foundation is modeled or not.
Note: Mat foundations are currently not designed in the RAM Structural System. Due to the increased interoperability of the program a mat foundation can exported to RAM Concept, for example, to be designed for loads determined by the foundation program.

Renumber Members & Data Check

The program allows you to automatically reorder the members so that the first beam occurs in the lower-left hand corner of the plan. The member numbers increase as you move left-to-right and bottom-to-top across the screen. To renumber the members in the structure:

If you would like to see the member numbers on screen:

The modeler includes a Data Check feature that verifies the layout of the model. If there are errors in your model, the Data Check will print a detailed list of the errors and the steps necessary to correct the errors. The Data Check can be invoked at any time during modeling to check for errors. Only the levels that are included in the Story Data will be checked by the Data Check.

To perform the Data Check:

The Data Check Options dialog box will appear:

If you have only the RAM Steel or RAM Concrete Design Modules, or if you only want to check the gravity design sections of a model then select Gravity Only. The Frame Only option is used to verify that lateral members have an assigned size and that all lateral members are supported by other lateral members all the way down to the ground (plus a few other checks). The integrated data check does both.

If you receive any errors or warnings they can be viewed on screen. Review those aspects of the model and follow the instructions given on how to solve the problem. Refer to the technical portion of the RAM Modeler manual if you need further assistance.

Your model is now ready to be used to design the gravity and/or the lateral system. You can now proceed to Beam, Column or Frame tutorials from here depending on the Modules you have licensed and information you want to review.

Note: If you have not completed the modeling of the structure as documented in the tutorial you may also close the Modeler and open the file called Tutorial_v14_US_complete.rss which is installed with the program. It is located in a sub-folder of default Data directory called Tutorial.

The completed model