04. Would friction be considered during any movement of of piping supported by an incline support wi

Applies To
Area: Modeling
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2022


If an inclined support had a friction coefficient with Ultimate Force Gap enabled and values; would the analysis consider the Friction coefficient for any pipe movement after the breakaway force value was meet?


Yes, the results are exactly the same when Ultimate Force Gap is enabled or disabled during a linear analysis. 

See modeling approach and results in image below: Friction and Ultimate Force Gaps was not enabled. 

See modeling approach and results in image below: Friction and Ultimate Force Gaps was enabled 

Note: The Stiffness K1 = the same as the Spring rate, so both modeling approaches on this page are essentially the same

Conclusion, a Non-Linear analysis considers friction when Ultimate Force Gap setting is enabled / disabled. 

Note: Please take a moment to review AutoPIPE help:

Help > Contents> Search Tab> enter "Understanding Ultimate Force Gap Supports" (include the quotes), press List Topics button, double click on the selected topic from the list provided to see more information.

See Also

Incline support FAQ's

W2261-9: All stiffness values are zero for the following bilinear support(s).

Bentley AutoPIPE