Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL |
Area: | Files |
Date Logged & Current Version |
Oct. 2017 |
What options are available to recover a model that was closed before being properly saved in AutoPIPE?
User worked for 5 hours and application closed unexpectedly, what options are available to recover all or most of the data.
Use one or more of the following suggestions.
Option #1: Rename Backup file to DAT
AutoPIPE autosaves the model every 20 minutes to the BAK file. To open this file; Start AutoPIPE, Select File> Open > AutoPIPE Backup (*.BAK).
Option #2: Rename Undo files
Open folder location where model was stored. All Undo files are saved as a U01...U**. Rename one of these files to *.DAT and open with AutoPIPE.
Option #3: Recover files from Temp folder
a.Select Start button
b. In the field just above the button type in "%temp%", and press keyboard enter / return key.
c. This will display your user profile temp folders, scan down for a folder with the format "AP_..." (ex. AP_11, AP_09, etc..) and open this folder to view the files within.
Note: This folder contains temp files used by the program. When a file is closed by the program, it will automatically remove these temp files. If AutoPIPE is currently closed, no model is open on your system, these represents instances where AutoPIPE may have been closed incorrectly or system crashed where these files could not have been automatically removed.
d. Search for a folder with the correct system name that was being worked on, and open that folder.
e. If there are files within it, move the entire folder to a safe location (ex. desktop), and try to open the AutoPIPE DAT model from this new folder location. Otherwise use the steps above to rename any BAK or Uxx files and open them for review.
f. If successful in recovering a file, with it still open in AutoPIPE, save the file to the correct working directory location typically used for your AutoPIPE models.
Note: If AutoPIPE is closed, no model is currently opened, you may delete the AP_xxxx folders from the %temp% location with out concern.
Option #4: Recover NTL file (if available)
Open the affected model's folder location and search for an filename.NTL file. If available use the following procedure:
a. Start AutoPIPE
b. Select File> Open> AutoPIPE Batch (*.NTL).
The model should now open in the same state when the file was originally created.
Option #5: Import model (*.DAT) into a new model
a. Start AutoPIPE
b. Create a new model with the correct piping code and number of Thermal / Pressure cases.
c. Select File> Import/Export > Insert Model > AutoPIPE Model(*.dat))
d. Navigate to the original model's folder location and select filename.DAT file
e, Select any node point as the base point, press OK button
f. Choose "Use Actual Coordinates" on the next dialog and press OK button.
Option #6: Contact your IT department / Back up Service
Most companies have IT departments or services that back up their server / computers on a nightly bases. Contact them asking that they make available to you a back up of the file that can be opened and recover the most amount of data. Be sure to check the original model folder and also the TEMP folder as mentioned above for useful files.
Option #7: Log a Case
If all else fails, log a case - click here, the development team has some tools that can help, therefore provide a zip file that contains all of the files in the model's folder.
We cannot guarantee anything, but we will try our best to help recover your files. When and IF a model is returned, refrain from using it in a production environment until you have thoroughly reviewed it and confirmed its accuracy.