W2164-198:Tee header and branch missing information has been updated on the following point(s):... m

Applies To
Area: Import
Date Logged
& Current Version
March. 2022


The following appears while using AutoPIPE:

W2164-198:Tee header and branch missing information has been updated on the following point(s):



 In one scenario, this message is displayed while importing a file into AutoPIPE. As the message indicates, because there was insufficient information default values were used as needed.


Imported information:

Import PCF file translated to NTL file 

Reference Batch NTL cards in AutoPIPE help for information required by the program. 

AS one can see the Bach file has a number of required settings when modeling a Tee. However depending on the tee being modeled, not everyone one of these settings are required. Depends on; the piping code selected for the model, "Tee Component", "Type of tee", etc... 

See Also

Warnings Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE