Q. BLT does not completely load after opening the application, why?

Applies To
Area: Licensing 
Date Logged
& Current Version
Aug. 2022


User is currently signed into Connection Client, however after starting BLT the application does not completely load, the following appears on screen.


why is this happening?

How to avoid ?


 First, open Task manager on your computer. After opening Task Manager, select the Details tab, and search for Bentley.Licensing.Services.exe.

There should only be 1 instance of Bentley.Licensing.Services.exe running. If 2 or more service of Bentley.Licensing.Services.exe are running, check the User Name column and identify the name.

Question: What does SYSTEM user name mean?

Answer: This is an elevated instance of that licensing service that is intercepting all your licensing traffic. A service running that has User name = SYSTEM, the person who is logged into the computer will not be able to use Bentley products under their profile because it's hijacking all the licensing traffic.

Question: Does SYSTEM appear as a user name for Bentley.Licensing.Services.exe process ?

If no, great... leave everything as is and do not continue below. The following information may not help you.

If yes, continue below.

Best to find out exactly what has called this service to start. Most frequently, the issue is related to SCCM deployment of Bentley Software that was not performed correctly (see WIKI here for known issues). One approach of locating the parent software of a process is to use a Microsoft application called Process Explorer (yes this application is free to use).

Steps to locate the parent software responsible for starting a service:

1. Download and extract Microsoft Process Explorer zip file

2. Start Process Explorer by right mouse clicking on the proper EXE for your computer, and then select Run as Administrator.

3. Press on the Agree button. 

4. After the application starts, in the top right corner of the window type in the <Filter by name> "Bentley.Licensing.Service". Notice that the listing is now filtered accordingly.

5.  Right Mouse click on the process, and select Properties

6. Find on the Image tab, Parent: value

7. Take screen shot of  this instance, and repeat similar steps for all filtered items of Bentley.Licensing.Service.

8. Send all screen shots to Bentley Technical support for review. 


With Task manager open, on the Details tab, find service Bentley.Licensing.Service and User name = SYSTEM. Right mouse click on Bentley.Licensing.Service and select End Task from the listing. Next, be sure that user is logged into Connection Client, close and restart BLT. BLT should start and run normally without the hesitation as shown in the images above. 

This maybe a temporary solution until the parent process calling Bentley.Licensing.Service with User name = SYSTEM, has been resolved.

Suggest log an SR for Licensing related issue, attached screen shots from above, reference this WIKI, and contact Bentley Licensing department by phone.

See Also

BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool) Messages


Bentley AutoPIPE