06. How to reorder the Pressure / temperature load case pairs using AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Date Logged
& Current Version
Oct 2022


How to change the order of the Press / Temp load case pairs?

Example: If model has 4 press / temp load cases (ex. P1/T1, P2/T2, P3/T3, P4/T4)

How to add a 5th Press / Temp load case (P5/T5) and assign it to P1 / T1 and move all other pairs one case higher. 

- P5/T5 becomes P1/T1

- P1/T1 becomes P2/T2

- P2/T2 becomes P3/T3

- P3/T3 becomes P4/T4

- P4/T4 becomes P5/T5


As of Oct 2022, there is no clean way of changing the order of the Pressure / Temperature load case pairs. This has been logged as a new feature (1000938) to be added in a future version of the software. If you like to help add this feature, log a Bentley Service Request mentioning this WIKI.

In the meantime, there are a number of creative workaround. 

1. Duplicate Operating Case 

See AutoPIPE help for detailed information on this feature. 

The technique here would be to add a new Temp / Press pair to the model, duplicate the 4th pair to the 5th, then duplicate the 3rd pair to the 4th, then duplicate the 2rd pair to the 3th, you guessed it, duplicate the 1st pair to the 2nd. and then update the 1st load pair as needed to represent the 5th added load pair that is assigned to P1/T1.

Step 1. Add 1 more Press / Temp load case pairs on the General Model Options dialog. 

Step 2. Duplicate  duplicate the 4th pair to the 5th using the "Duplicate Operating Case"  command

Step 3. Continue to Duplicate load pairs as needed ( 3rd pair to the 4th, 2nd pair to the 3th,  and 1st pair to the 2nd

Step 4. Now update the 1st load pair as needed with the 5th pair information that was added.

2. Copy / Paste and using Excel 

The technique here is simply add a 5th load case, copy the contents of Press/ Temp/PipeID tab, past the content into an Excel workbook, manipulate the sheet as needed, copy / paste the information back to AutoPIPE's Press/ Temp/PipeID tab.

Step 1. Add 1 more Press / Temp load case pairs on the General Model Options dialog. 

2. Configure the 5th case as needed before updating the order.

3. Place cursor on any cell in the Press/Temp/PipeID tab and click the Right mouse button once, select "Show Pressure and Temperature data only".

4. On the Press/Temp/PipeID tab, place the mouse pointer on the top Left most cell of the table, this will select the entire table, use Cntl+C on the keyboard to copy the table data. 

5. Open Excel, paste the table information into a new workbook.

6. Leaving the top 2 rows as is, select all the data from the first node point to the last node point for all columns related to case 1  (ex.. F3 to G52), and then select insert Cells, shift to the right.

7. Go to the far right of the table, select all of the data that does not have a column heading and paste into the newly inserted columns (ex. F to G).

8. In Excel, select only the pressure and temperature data form the workbook, and again use Cntl+C to copy the data.

9. Back on AutoPIPE's Press/Temp/PipeID tab, hover the mouse pointer overtop the first node point Case 1 pressure data cell, again, right mouse click, and select Paste Cells

10 Done, the cells should have been updated. One can right click the table and select Show all.


Yes, this not an ideal process but the techniques mentioned here can accomplish reordering the Pressure / Temperature load cases as needed. 

See Also

"Pressure" - AutoPIPE load case

Bentley AutoPIPE