The following enhancements and defects have already been requested:
Bug 1582341:
Syt values in Grids are not same as in Input listing report
Bug 1506646:
ASME NM2 code - Pipe properties - Input grid, enter poissons' ratio automatically changes
Bug 983497:
Localization: Support Tab in Result Grid does not work in Chinese AutoPIPE v12.08.01.010
Bug 748535:
NS pipe sizes are set to 0.00 on Results grids> Support tab> Nominal column
Bug 644227:
Active window changes to input grids after inserting a component
Bug 643905 - 867592:
Incorrect stress unit displayed on General Stress Result grid
Defect 1110592:
Input Grids appear / disappear when deleting objects in a model
Enhancement 167173:
Add results grid tab for Reference node points
Enhancement 152518:
General Stress Table from the output report should be available in the Grids
Enhancement 148665:
Increase the number of characters in the "Line Number" field
Defect 138403: Tracker#: 10317
Update pres/temp cases data when material library or pipe material is changed
Enhancement 136055: Tracker#: 8732
Add total length of pipe to Extended Component Data Listing report
Enhancements Requests and Logged Defects