16. Grids (Input & Results) Enhancements & Defects requests for AutoPIPE

Note: if an enhancement or defect has not been added to the program, log an Service request for that enhancement. The more requests logged per an enhancement, the quicker the CAE development team will add that feature to the program.

The following enhancements and defects have already been requested:

Bug 1582341:

Syt values in Grids are not same as in Input listing report

Bug 1506646:

ASME NM2 code - Pipe properties - Input grid, enter poissons' ratio automatically changes

Bug 983497:

Localization: Support Tab in Result Grid does not work in Chinese AutoPIPE v12.08.01.010

Bug 748535:

NS pipe sizes are set to 0.00 on Results grids> Support tab> Nominal column

Bug 644227:

Active window changes to input grids after inserting a component

Bug 643905 - 867592:

Incorrect stress unit displayed on General Stress Result grid


Defect 1110592:

Input Grids appear / disappear when deleting objects in a model

Enhancement 167173:

Add results grid tab for Reference node points

Enhancement 152518:

General Stress Table from the output report should be available in the Grids

Enhancement 148665:

Increase the number of characters in the "Line Number" field

Defect 138403: Tracker#: 10317

Update pres/temp cases data when material library or pipe material is changed

Enhancement 136055: Tracker#: 8732 

Add total length of pipe to Extended Component Data Listing report

See Also

Enhancements Requests and Logged Defects

Bentley AutoPIPE