User code or non-code combinations created in the program can be used as a template for other models with the same analyzed load cases. Copy the CMB file to the directory containing the next model and rename it to that next model (ex. nextmodelname.CMB), when the next model is analyzed the previously defined combinations will be available.
AutoPIPE V8i 9.4.x has a new feature to save and import *.CMB files from a folder location regardless of file names of the original file. With the load Combination dialog screen open, press "Combintions Options" button, and select "Import Combination File" from the drop down listing (see help fro details on this topic).
Unfortunately due to the evolution of AutoPIPE's combinations (*.cmb) file format by allowing more load cases and a larger number of actual combinations in newer versions of the software, "CMB" files are not backwards compatible. Again, due to these size limits, part of the CMB file would be truncated with no control over which combinations stay or are deleted.
Suggested workflow, create template files as mentioned here in an older version of the program (ex. v9.6.2) and then opening the saved APC file in the newer version of the program will upgrade your model as well as the .cmb file to latest version. AutoPIPE does provide you an option to Save your model back to an older version but again does not include a downgrade of the .cmb file. However, wiht the previously created template file, save the model back to the older version and then import the template file CMB file into the model. Presto, all combinations from the template file will appear in the save-as model.
AutoPIPE V8i 09.2 and lower:
Go to Tools >User Defined Comb. /NonCode menu.
AutoPIPE V8i 9.3 and higher:
Go to Tools> Combinations> Code Comb tab
Scenario #1:
Give the combination name as e.g. Max Comb Combination method is 9 Sign Max (which ignores the sign of loads and deflections). Next, select the Case/comb for GR and your operating combinations, ignoring the theoretical loads of T1, W1, etc. Now check your output results for Support report, Deflections, or Restraint summary to see the new Max Comb results that you have created.
HINT: Sign Max and Res Max (Resultant Maximum) are 2 common methods to evaluating maximums from other load cases or combinations. Other methods used are Min and Max
Scenario #2:
Some results for S cases are less than the maximum response considering both plus and minus loading for X, Y, and Z directions.
Set imposed displacements in User cases and define combinations with those cases with Abs. Sum method.
General questions about Code / Non-Code combination