28. AutoPIPE Stress Isometric customization - modify symbol

Applies To
Area: Stress Isometric
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2022


How to modify symbols on an AutoPIPE Stress Isometric using OPIM?

Example, how to update a support symbol?


In OPIM, all of the symbols in drawing are referred to as cells. Cells can be updated as needed to accommodate company standards by using the general instructions below. These instructions are geared towards making modifications to a particular support. (V-Stop), however the same philosophy can be applied to any Stress Isometric symbol.

Note. Must close all instances of OPIM applications running before proceeding below.

1. In AutoPIPE, launch Openplant Isometric Manager from menu “File > Launch Openplant Isometric Manager”
2. In OPIM, open cell template file [autopipe.dgn] from “C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\isoextractor\projects\project01\stress\CellTemplates”, with workset.
3. Autopipe.dgn file contains many cells used to create a Stress Isometric. Which ones should be modified?

Only you can answer that question. However to know which ones are used to generate a Stress Iso, perform the following:

a. Generate a Stress iso from AutoPIPE

b. Open newly generated Stress iso in Microstation

c. Hover mouse over a symbol in the drawing, a small flyout should appear indicating the current symbol:

Example: Cell = 01V1

4. Using Microstation commands make changes to the symbol as needed. 



5. Next, add the modified cell in cell library
        Using Element Selection command, select all of the components of a symbol to be highlighted:

6. Press Create Cell button from Home toolbar, 

Be sure to enter the exact same information as shown on the drawing, and press OK on the dialog.

7. Save and close the drawing file. 

8. Confirm files were updated

Open Window's File explorer to the same path as the model opened, 

“C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\isoextractor\projects\project01\stress\CellTemplates”

Was the autopipe.dgn file updated to the current time?

Also, confirm Cell library was updated, again open File Explorer, navigate to the folder location:

"C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\isoextractor\projects\project01\stress\cell"

Was the CellTemplate.dgn file updated to the current time?

9. Close the drawing, and close all OPIM applications running.
10. Now export drawing to stress ISO from AutoPIPE.

See Also

Customize AutoPIPE Stress Isometric drawings

Bentley AutoPIPE