E21-40: Executing this operation can corrupt distributed load records in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Error
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following appears when I try to change the segment name, what should I do?

E21-40: Executing this operation can corrupt distributed load records
assigned on the segment(s) affected by this operation.
Please delete the distributed loads before proceeding.


AutoPIPE has detected distributed loads on the segment that is about to be modified. An error message is posted warning the user that in order to continue, first Delete distributed loads from the segment before modifying it. After the modifications are completed, then re-apply the distributed loads, and continue working. 

Yes, this is an inconvenience to the user, but is the only option at this time (Dec 2022). We hope that in a future version, this workflow will no longer be needed (ADO 1032135).

See Also

Error Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE