03. Access AutoPIPE Vessel's Private Community

This is a private User Community for downloading Validation and Certification documents that is accessed by members only. Use link here for instruction on how to become a member.

Use the following procedure to log into AutoPIPE Vessel Private User Community:

Step 1: Users MUST sign Into Bentley Communities:

Note: if your see a Silhouette person in the upper right hand corner, you are not currently signed into to Bentley Communities.   

Note: see page here when having troubles logging in

Step #2: Use link here to access the private Vessel Design User Community Wiki site. 

Or see Automated email received from Bentley Communities (be sure to check junk folder and company email restrictions if the email was not received)

Step #3: After successfully accessing this site, suggest that you add this to your Bentley Communities bookmark 

Step #4: Download files as needed.

See Also:

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley Select Services Technical Support Webpage