Nodal load moments not displayed in Ram Frame

 Applies To 
 Product:RAM Frame
First Affected Version:
 Found in Version:15.03.00
Fixed in Version:
 Area: Graphics
 Issue #:119822

Problem Description

Nodal load moment values (Mxx, Myy and Mzz) do not display in Ram Frame using View - Nodal loads. Only the force components FX, FY and FZ are shown. For nodal loads that are moments only, nothing is displayed. 


Missing functionality.


We are working on a fix for this issue. Meanwhile the loads can still be seen in Ram Modeler - Elevation view and the effects of the loads can be seen in the member forces, reactions and deflections within Ram Frame. So long as a small FX, FY or FZ component is included in the load definition, the load labels can also be shown in Ram Frame using View - Nodal loads.