RAM SS V15.01 Release Notes

RAM Structural System CONNECT Edition Update 1 Release 15.01

Release Notes


Release Date: January 28, 2016


This document contains important information regarding changes to the RAM Structural System. It is important that all users are aware of these changes. Please distribute these Release Notes and make them available to all users of the RAM Structural System.



The Tutorial Manual has not been updated but is still valid. The appearance of some parts of the program in this version may differ from that shown in the Tutorial.


Important Notices:

Version 15.01 databases are compatible with Version 15.00, there have been no changes.


Version 15.00 automatically converts databases created in previous versions to the new database format. Note that a backup file is created automatically when a database is converted; the name of the database is the same, with “Orig” and the version number appended to the name. The file has an extension of “.zip” and is located in the same directory as the original database.


The previous steel tables and load combination templates supplied with the program will be replaced with new tables and templates of the same name. If you have customized any Master or Design tables or load combination templates supplied with the program without changing the file names, those file names should be renamed from the original RAM table names prior to installation to prevent your changes from being lost.


Installation Instructions:

This version can be found on the Bentley Software Fulfilment web page by logging into the CONNECTION Center or the Enterprise Portal and selecting the Software Downloads icon. Perform a search for “RAM Structural System”, select any of the RAM Structural System modules (e.g., RAM Modeler; they all use the same installer), and select the latest version of the RAM Structural System.



New Features and Enhancements:

For details on these new features and enhancements, refer to the manual .pdf files available from the Help menu in each module or from the Manuals folder on your hard drive.


Release Notes

These Release Notes are now more easily accessible. The first time a new version is run after it has been installed, a dialog will appear offering to display the Release Notes for that version. The Release Notes can now also be accessed using the Help – Release Notes command in the RAM Manager.


HSS Defaults for Fy

In the US the standard for Round and Rectangular HSS shapes is now A500 Grade C, rather than Grade B. Whereas the yield stress Fy for Grade B was 42 ksi for Round HSS and 46 ksi for Rectangular HSS, the yield stress Fy for Grade C is 46 ksi for Round HSS and 50 ksi for Rectangular HSS. The defaults in the Modeler for Fy for HSS have now been changed to 46 ksi and 50 ksi, respectively. It is recommended that for existing models the values of Fy be reassigned for HSS members to reflect the common use of A500 Grade C. Note that if Grade B or any other values for Fy are desired they can still be assigned as desired; the change to the Modeler only affects the default values that initially appear for Fy when HSS members are added to the model, but those values can be modified as desired. The default values when working in SI units did not change.


Reactions and Deflections Reports

The order of the beams in the Reaction Summary and Beam Deflection Summary reports has been modified so that beams are listed in order of their label number. Previously they were ordered by their internal number based on their location.


DataCheck Performance

The performance of the DataCheck in the Modeler for models with many walls has been significantly improved.


Shear Wall Coupling Beams

Previously for coupling beams the effective depth used in design was 0.8h. Except in the case of bars uniformly distributed around the perimeter of the beam, this has been enhanced to now calculate and use the effective depth based on the bar configuration.


As permitted by ACI 318-11 Section 9.3.4(c), the phi factor for shear for coupling beams with diagonal reinforcement has been increased to 0.85 (previously the program used 0.75).


As permitted by ACI 318-11 Section, the exception given by Section 10.5.3 for minimum longitudinal reinforcement is now investigated and applied if appropriate.


UK Deck Table Update

The table of UK deck profiles, ramuk.dck, has been updated to remove profiles that are no longer available (Richard Lees Ribdeck AL, SMD TR80 and TR60 (now TR80+ and TR60+) and to update the label on Kingspan MD 50-V3.


Eurocode S235 Steel

For Eurocode, the design rules for Design fy for rolled shapes are based on EN 10025-3. This doesn't include S235 steel. Add S235 steel for rolled shapes.



Error Corrections:

Some program errors have been corrected for this version. Corrections made to graphics, reports, Modeler functions, program crashes, etc., that were considered minor are not listed here. The noteworthy error corrections are listed here in order to notify you that they have been corrected or to assist you in determining the impact of those errors on previous designs. These errors were generally obscure and uncommon, affecting only a very small percentage of models, or had no impact on the results. The errors, when they occurred, were generally quite obvious. However, if there is any question, it may be advisable to reanalyze previous models to determine the impact, if any. In each case the error only occurred for the precise conditions indicated. Those errors that may have resulted in un-conservative designs are shown with an asterisk. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



CHECKED OUT LICENSE CRASH: When the program was run using a Checked Out license, the program would randomly crash, most notably when exiting the Modeler or when performing an analysis or design. This error only occurred in V15.00.

Effect: For SELECT users, the program could not be run with checked out licenses. For non-SELECT users, it would prevent usage entirely.



MODEL NOTES: If the RAM Manager was closed while the model Notes were still open in Notepad (using the File – Notes command) any changes made to the Notes were lost. The program now gives a warning if the Notes are open so that they can be saved and closed before exiting RAM Manager.

Effect: Changes made in the Notes were not saved when the model was saved if the Notes were open.


DATA ECHO REPORT: In the Load Properties section of the Data Echo report, the Mass DL values listed 0.0 for the Surface Loads and were blank for the Line Loads.

Effect: Incorrect and missing values in the report.



CANTILEVERS ON FRAMING PLAN: Cantilevers may have been missing or drawn incorrectly on the Framing Plans.

Effect: Missing information on DXF.


Gravity Loads

IBC STORAGE LIVE LOAD REDUCTION: In a rare case the IBC Storage Live Loads were not getting reduced as permitted on multistory columns. If the ramis.ini file did not have the default settings for the Code and Live Load Reduction (because the RAM Defaults Utility had not been run after installation), an internal variable was set incorrectly causing the program to prevent reduction of Storage Live Load

Effect: No reduction of IBC Storage Live Loads as permitted for columns.

Note: To correct this in existing models where this is occurring, invoke the Criteria – Member Loads command in the RAM Manager, select “UBC” from the list of Codes, select the option to "Include Storage levels" if it is not already selected, reselect IBC from the list of codes, then select "OK".


RAM Steel Beam

ANALYZED BEAM DESIGN WARNINGS: Analyzed beams passing pre-composite checks but failing non-composite or composite checks erroneously reported failure of the pre-composite check. Beams failing both pre-composite and composite checks only reported one of the checks.

Effect: Although analyzed beam designs were correct, an incorrect failure message was reported for beams passing pre-composite checks but failing the composite check. Where there were failures in both the pre-composite and composite checks, only one of the two failure messages was reported.


CAN/CSA S16-09 HSS: For square HSS shapes where LTB is not applicable according to the CAN S16-09 code, the report showed incorrect results under the MOMENT section of the beam report.

Effect: Incorrect moment results were reported for analyzed square HSS shapes.


KCS JOISTS: The value of Vmax listed in the Beam Summary report for KCS joists may not have matched the correct value listed in Joist Design report.

Effect: Report error only, the value of Vmax listed in the Beam Summary report was wrong. The design was correct.


SMARTBEAM FULL COMPOSITE VALUE*: In the 64bit version of the program, SMARTBEAM girder designs may have reported an incorrect value of Full number of studs and percent composite.

Effect: No effect on design unless the limits on percent of Full composite should have controlled the design.

Note: Except for SMARTBEAMS with frozen sizes, Design All will obtain correct designs. If the model contains frozen SMARTBEAM sizes make a modification to the model, then unmodify it (to force the program to reanalyze); then perform Design All.


FRAME BEAM DESIGN DISPLAY ON MULTI-STORIES: When a layout type was used at multiple levels, if a Frame beam size from one of those levels was cleared and subsequently redesigned the design may have been incorrect (using design information from one of the other levels using that layout type rather than redesigning), may have been incorrectly displayed, and may not have been consistent with designs reviewed through the View/Update command.

Effect: Rare but potentially incorrect designs (for example, incorrect studs or camber displayed) for Frame beams for the condition described. Error did not occur in the initial design or if size was modified using the View/Update command; it only potentially occurred if the size was cleared using the Process – Clear Designs command or the Process – Clear Sizes command and then redesigned using the Design All command.


RAM Steel Column

DESIGN ECCENTRICITY FOR ROUND HS*: Eccentricity calculations of Distance + 1/2 Column Dimension assigned to the bottom story of Round HS were incorrect.

Effect: Although all absolute eccentricity assignments to all shapes were correctly handled, eccentricity assignments of Distance + 1/2 Column Dimension to the bottom story of Round HS were not correct. Design moments at the bottom story may have been incorrect.



STUB CANTILEVER AND RIGID LINK MOMENTS*: When stub cantilevers or rigid links (from offset beams or columns) framed into a column at some angle (not aligned with the major or minor axis of column), the proportion of the moment resolved to each column axis was incorrect.

Effect: Although the overall applied moment from loads supported by rigid links or stub cantilever beams was correctly determined, the resolution of moment into the column's major and minor axes was not correct.


TRANSFER COLUMN MOMENTS: Design moments assigned to transfer columns were conservative but incorrect.

Effect: Although all columns supported by the transfer column were correctly designed, the design moments for the transfer column were incorrect. Transfer columns that may have otherwise passed designs, failed.


RAM Concrete Column

AUSTRALIA AS3600 COLUMN DESIGN*: When designing columns to AS3600:2009, if a column that had been classified as slender had an axial load (N*) greater than the buckling load (Nc), the program would not report the column as failing (as it has buckled), but would continue with the design without magnifying the moments.

Effect: An erroneous and unconservative column design was reported for slender columns whose axial load exceeded the buckling load.


AUSTRALIA AS3600 COLUMN DESIGN: When designing columns to AS3600:2009, if a column had an aspect ratio greater than 4.0 the program failed the column based on the requirements of Clause 5.6, rather than giving a warning as permitted in Clause 5.6.2(b).

Effect: No design was provided for columns with an aspect ratio greater than 4.0 for columns designed per AS 3600. A warning is now given, and the design proceeds.


TAKEOFF: If the concrete strength varied in a column stack, the value reported for Total Reinforcement Weight in Columns/ Total Column Lengths was incorrect (high; it was using the length of one of the column segments of a given concrete strength).

Effect: Report error only for that value; the designs were correct.


RAM Frame – Analysis

ANALYSIS REPORTS FOR BRACES: The Single and Fence commands under the Member Reports menu could not be used to generate reports for braces.

Effect: Brace reports could not be generated using the Single and Fence commands; brace reports could only be obtained using the All Report menu command.


LOADS AND APPLIED FORCES REPORT FOR ASCE 7 WIND: Reported Gust factor for Y-direction was not correct in report. Note that if X-direction or Y-direction cases were run separately, this defect did not appear.

Effect: This was a report error only. It did not affect calculated wind pressures and loads. All other information given in the same report (pressure, calculated forces, etc.) were correct and not affected by this defect.


ASCE 7 WIND GUST FACTOR FOR FLEXIBLE/NONE TYPE DIAPHRAGM: For Flexible/None type diaphragms, the program calculated the Gust factor incorrectly (high) for the wind load case in Y direction. 

Effect: For the Y direction a higher value of Gust factor was calculated resulting in higher applied wind forces, for models with Flexible or None type diaphragms.


WIND ECCENTRICITY CALCULATION FOR FLEXIBLE STRUCTURES*: When a model has a level at the top that has no Frame members, such as is sometimes the case of the roof framing over mechanical units or elevators, and that level is exposed to wind, the program automatically combines that wind load with the level below (that has Frame members). If that upper level roof was specified as a Flexible Diaphragm or No Diaphragm, and the structure qualified as “flexible” per ASCE 7, an error was made in the calculation of the combined load on the lower level, resulting in a large torsional moment applied to that lower level due to an incorrectly calculated wind eccentricity at the upper level.

Effect: For the conditions described, an unnecessarily large wind torsional moment was applied to the lower diaphragm when loads were combined from a level above.


EXPORTED MEMBER FORCES RESULTS: The member forces listed in the report generated with File – Export Analysis Results – Member Forces command may have been incorrect if only a few selected load cases were run in the Analysis.

Effect: This was a reporting error. It only occurred if the analysis was performed with only a few load cases selected. The values were correct if all load cases were analyzed.


COLUMN MEMBER FORCE ENVELOPE REPORT*: The report shows enveloped values at top and bottom end of column. In addition, the report also shows maximum/minimum envelope results at intermediate locations. If a column was composed of more than one element, the reported maximum/minimum results at intermediate locations were not correct (those reported at top and bottom were correct).

Effect: Reported max/min results at intermediate locations were not correct if column was composed of more than one element.


CRASH AFTER CHANGING BEAM SIZE WITH SIDEPLATE IN V/U: The program crashed when the model was Analyzed after a beam size was changed and updated in View/Update for a beam with SidePlate.

Effect: Program crashed.


SIDEPLATE CONNECTION: If a beam had been assigned to have the SidePlate connection and then that beam was subsequently changed to a Gravity beam, the SidePlate symbol continued to appear with that beam.

Effect: Graphics only. The SidePlate connection assignment is now cleared from the beam when the beam is changed from Frame to Gravity.


RAM Frame – Steel Standard Provisions

MULTI-STORY MOMENT FRAME COLUMNS: A code check for the lower columns in a multi-story column moment frame having no beams framing at an intermediate story resulted in a crash.

Effect: Moment frame columns composed of multiple segments between beams crashed during the code check process.


ISM / Structural Synchronizer

ISM NODAL REACTIONS: If the RAM Frame analysis had not been performed, the program would crash when creating or updating an ISM repository.

Effect: The export to ISM would terminate and RAM Manager would crash. The export of Nodal Reactions is now skipped if the RAM Frame analysis has not been performed and those results are not current.


ISM BASE COORDINATE: On Update from an ISM repository, if the model had a base elevation other than 0.0, the RAM Structural System model base coordinates and story data were changed.

Effect: Story data incorrectly modified in the RAM model. Now the ISM information is adjusted to maintain the RAM story elevations.


WALL OPENINGS: On Update from an ISM repository, modified walls are removed from the RAM Structural System model and new walls are added. If any of those walls originally had openings, those openings were lost.

Effect: Wall openings that existed in the RAM model were lost when the walls were removed and added back. Wall openings are now retained for modified walls.