"Code Comb" tab Questions


The "Code Compliance" grid displays the combination set defined for piping code compliance (both the default combinations and user-defined sets). Any default code combination may be modified, deleted or reset and any new user combination created and modified in the same grid.

User Code Combinations dialog

Comments, Questions, & Answers:

  1. Define allowable for all code combination
  2. M/S column
  3. Is the order of the load cases / combinations of a User defined combination of any consequence?
  4. Which Code combinations are considered an Occasional Load(s)?
  5. Are predefined stress category maximums [i.e. (LONG), (Sus), (exp), (0cc), (hoop) ] calculated across all analysis set regardless of load cases turned ON / OFF in any one analysis set?
  6. Range of T1, T2, T3, ...,Tn thermal load cases
  7. Find the MAX load case from a group of load cases
  8. DNV code combination for collapse P1..Pn use only T1..Tn load case and not P1..Pn load case
  9. Valid combination?
  10. Allowable calculation with safety factore
  11. Code combinations do not appear the same in 2 different models
  12. Correctly add a USER defined N-755-1 (ex. GR + Max P + T1) Code Combinations
  13. See Non-code information on Code combinations results
  14. Evaluate using the correct allowable for each Nuclear Service Level?
  15. Considering that E2=-E1, why are the combinations GRTP2-E1 & GRTP2+E2 results not the same?
  16. Determine Young's modulus value used when calculating the bending stress
  17. Is Longitudinal Pressure stress included in Code combinations?
  18. Sustain Code combination with Gravity, Pressure, and Temperature
  19. No Max Range combination was displayed for HDPE piping
  20. Calculate moment results (Ma , Mb, Mc) for the selected Combination Method (ex. SRSS, ABS, etc..)
  21. Calculate SAM and Expansion stress values independently, and then add these two stress values together
  22. SAM cases are not included in code combination, only the seismic force are being evaluated

See Also

Combination Load Cases (Tools> Combinations dialog)

Bentley AutoPIPE