Q. Flange calculation based on Gasket Seating note and ASME III Appendix XI - 2010 using AutoPIPE.

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Jan 2023


How does the note on AutoPIPE flange report affect the calculation of Flange stresses. 

Example, Longitudinal Hub Stress, SH


The calculation for  Longitudinal Hub Stress, SH is dependent on all of the of following variables that are directly and indirectly related to equation XI -3240 Eq 6. (ASME BPVC III Appendix IX)

However the note which references the gasket seating condition stresses are calculated using Full available bolt load refers to using the Design gasket seating bolt load in the calculation instead of the Min operating or Min gasket loads reported:

The equation for Wg is directly controlled by the calculations of Am (total cross sectional area for design), Ab (total cross sectional are for gasket seating), and Sa (Bolt allowable stress at ambient temperature. Making any changes to the flange dimension or loads will be reflected in the value of Wg and ultimately the calculated stresses. 

See Also

**NOTE: The gasket seating condition stresses are calculated using the full available bolt load, where Wg = [(Am + Ab)*Sa]/2

Q. How to calculate Bolt Tensile Stress from Flange Analysis output report in AutoPIPE?

"Flange Analysis" sub report

Bentley AutoPIPE