- Download instructions for AutoPIPE Vessel

***important*** backup your customize files in the program before installing a new version of the program

Release notes - click here

Features - click here

Automatic installation method

If AutoPIPE Vessel or higher has already been installed, see procedure here. Otherwise see Manual installation method below.

Note: Connection client may not show updates to newer versions of available AutoPIPE Vessel software, why? - click here

Manual installation method

***Important Notes***  

1. The the following procedure is essential the same for all versions of  AutoPIPE Vessel CONNECT v41.xx.xx.xx with minor changes in file names. 

2. Please review AutoPIPE Vessel Readme file for authorized Operating Systems that AutoPIPE Vessel has been tested and successfully operates on.

Installing the application to an OS that is NOT listed in the Read Me file (ex. Citrix) of the respective version will be at your own risk. If you encounter installation issues, our development team will try to help, but not be able to resolve all the issues. Recommend to log a Service request.

3. Information is also available in the AutoPIPE Vessel Quick Start Guide installed with the program to the following folder location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\Engineering\AutoPIPE Vessel_41.xx.xx.xx\APV_Quickstart_en.pdf

A. Download: click here

NOTE: Please click on the link above , the procedure explains how to download AutoPIPE but this procedure is exactly the same for AutoPIPE Vessel, just replace AutoPIPE with AutoPIPE Vessel while searching for the product:

Download AutoPIPE Vessel procedure for those who received an Order Document

B. Installing: click here

C. Licensing: click here

D. Starting:

Start the program by selecting the desktop Icon, or by selecting:

Start Button> Program> Bentley Engineering> AutoPIPE Vessel.

If everything was correctly installed and licensed the following should be displayed, select a valid license option per the available license(s) in BLT and press OK button to use the program:


a. Suggest to leave "Show Licensing at startup" enabled to confirm license selecting when starting the program).

b. At any time, if the user selects a license, the following warning will be displayed:

The user has the option to accept or reject the License. If pressing "Yes" and the License was not on the account, this action will be marked as over using your signed contracted amount that was agreed upon with Bentley. Instead of paying for another full License to a program, users are only charged for the time using licenses not on their contract. For many accounts this has saved them a lot of time and money.

c. To review AutoPIPE Vessel License settings, select File> License configuration...

Contact Bentley License Team

If your application is not licensed correctly due to BLT (Bentley License Tool) issues, please contact the Bentley License department to verify your account status. 


1. If revert to demo,

    1. Verify that you are signed into CONNECT Client

    2. Verify the internet connection and server connection.

    3. Verify License restrictions put in place by Bentley Onsite Admin
                     (Admin Link to Bentley Server - http://selectserver.bentley.com/bss/admin/

2. The following is displayed:

Answer: The program is in Demo Mode, correctly license the application. From within AutoPIPE Vessel select File> License Settings> choose a radio button that allows the use of the function trying to analyze under.

3. The following is displayed when running application:

Answer: The problem is that you do not have the correct license available to use this feature of the program. 

From within AutoPIPE Vessel select File> License Settings> choose a radio button that allows the use of the function trying to analyze under.

4. If you run into an install failure with the following error message:

This error may be due to the fact that Bentley's CONNECT Client (CC) software was not able to install properly. 

In some cases, this can be fixed in running the installation with an option to disable the silent mode of CC.

See below the command line:

> apvs41040013en.exe  ConnectSilentMode="noquiet"

If the installation fails again: download CC (from Bentley download center) and install it first, then install AutoPIPE Vessel.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley Select Services Technical Support webpage: