File> "Save" menu command in AutoPIPE Vessel

Q1. The "Save" command or button is grayed out, How to resolve this in AutoPIPE Vessel?

The Save command is grayed out:

The Calculation Strength button is grayed out:


There are 2 issue that would cause this to happen:

1. Running in Demo Mode or with out the correct license.

2. There is a ~systemnam folder that was not deleted when the model was closed.

1. License Related:

It is likely that you may be running the software in Demo mode. Go to File>License Configuration. After the dialogue appears, make sure that you select either of the "Vessel" or "Vessel Enterprise" options.

- Trial  (confirm key entered was correct)

- Vessel

- Vessel Enterprise - Includes All Codes

Another common issue is that the actual license will restrict certain functionality depending on the license currently in use. See the AutoPIPE_Vessel_Tutorial.pdf copied to the program  folder during installation.

Pages 12-14 provides some specific details about licensing; example, Vessel vs Enterprise License Matrix:


1. 1 Free code with AutoPIPE Vessel Package (PV design only).

2. License Example: if company purchases AutoPIPE Vessel License with Vessel Code USA ASME VIII, the program will not analyze or save a model for Tank design nor Shell and Tube Heat Exchange as those options are reserved for the AutoPIPE Vessel Enterprise License. 

2. Folder Was not Deleted:

When a model is opened in AutoPIPE Vessel, a Folder with the same name as the model but starting with "~" is created in the same location as the model. Example: see image below:

When the model is closed by the program, this newly created folder is deleted, or should be deleted. However, sometimes the folder is not deleted. The next time when the file is opened in the program some application functions will not be available (i.e. Execute> Strength Calculation).

To fix, close AutoPIPE Vessel and remove / Delete the "~systemname" folders and restart the application, re-open the model, and try to run the Strength Calculation command again.   


See Also

Licensing AutoPIPE Vessel

General Information AutoPIPE Vessel

AutoPIPE Vessel