"Error Reading the source file..." message appears in AutoPIPE, why?

Applies To
Area: Library
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2022


The following was displayed while trying to open a file in the library editor:

Invalid Format

Error Reading the source file

Line Number: 198


Why is this appearing?

How to avoid it?


As mentioned in the message, there was an error reading the source file indicated. There could be 1 of 2 reasons for this message:

1. The file contains information that cannot be read by the editor


2. The file contains information that is not formatted correctly. 

First confirm the file is a default material library loaded from the AutoPIPE file location. Perform the following trouble shooting test, change All Region settings (ex. Country/region, Region format, etc..) to United Kingdom, English (United Kingdom), respectively. Restart AutoPIPE and try to reproduce the issue. 

Regardless, of answer, please log a Service Request and provide exact steps to repeat with results of changing all of the Region format settings. Does this region change resolve the issue.

See Also

"AutoPIPE Licensing" Messages

Warnings, Errors, Crashed, Confirm Messages in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE