24. "Graphic" Enhancements & Defects for AutoPIPE

Notes: if an enhancement or defect has not been added to the program, log an Service request for that enhancement. The more requests logged per an enhancement, the quicker the CAE development team will add that feature to the program.

The following enhancements and defects have already been requested:

Bug 1461889

Mode shapes are not animated without first animating displacements

Bug 1090337

Floating Results dialog expands to the same width or wider as the application screen when using the Result > Interactive > commands (ex. Code Stresses, Force and Moment , Restraint , etc..)

Bug 780332

Dialog and Toolbar text should work for other DPI settings besides 100% 


805225 - Enhancement

Provide a manual method to choose icon size besides automatic selection based on resolution


686096 - Enhancement

Allow user to customize quick key / hot key mapping for commands


291131 - Enhancement :

TTA - add feature to analyze a Steam filled pipeline


See Also

Enhancements Requests and Logged Defects

Bentley AutoPIPE