Q. What values to use for B31J reducer R2, L2, and Cone angle in AutoPIPE?

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Area: Modeling
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2022


What values to use for B31J reducer R2, L2, and Cone angle in AutoPIPE?


These fields cannot be autopopulated as every manufacture has different values for these fittings. The fitting standard only call for manufactures to maintain certain oversize dimensions and certain parameters with respect to the end connections. They do not control values such as those required by B31J standard for the calculating SIF values.

The nuclear industry has had these requirements for entering reducer values for the last 40+ years. If you read the B31J reducer notes in AutoPIPE help you will see that there are some recommended equations to manually calculate when the dimensions are not readily available.

The following feature has been logged:

1092475, B31J SIF calculations, Add option to automatically calculate default SIF if specific component information is missing

The development team will add this feature into a future version of the program. Until such time please contact the manufacture for this data or manually perform the calculation for the default value when dimensions are not readily available. Please note these manually calculations will produce a Higher SIF value which may produce more conservative results.

See Also

B31J Code questions

Bentley AutoPIPE