Q. Where are AutoPIPE's log files stored?


AutoPIPE 12.02.xx.xx and higher has a mechanism to store crash related information into log files. The Tools > Tools > Settings > Log Settings command displays the Log Settings dialog, which enables you to generate a log file to capture the success / failure of program operations. This log file is a valuable tool for the Bentley Technical Support team to troubleshoot issues. When AutoPIPE is launched, the logging system invisibly builds a vault of event information (log records). Log files older than one week are deleted automatically. The log file is generated in the Logs folder within the program application data folder. Press Open Folder to open that folder.

Note: Highly suggested to set Log details = Detailed,

Again, log file are typically stored in the application data (appdata) folder:

C:\Users \ "profilename" \AppData \Roaming \Bentley \AutoPIPE CONNECT "xx" \Logs

"profilename" = change to User's profile name

"xx" = update with version of AutoPIPE


C:\Users\Mike.Dattilio\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\Logs

Procedure: send log file

1. Open Log settings dialog above. 

2. Enable "Clear All Log files" press OK.

3. Repeat steps in AutoPIPE where problem occurs. 

4. Again, open Log settings dialog

5. Press the Open Folder location

6. Send most recent log file back to Bentley Tech Support for review.

See Also

Not Responding - Log file contents

Log Settings

Settings - AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE