01. AutoPIPE opens but Log file stops at INITAP: Set colors, and program fails to respond, wh

Applies To
Area: Start up
Date Logged
& Current Version
March 2023


AutoPIPE opens but Log file stops at <info> INITAP: Set colors, and program fails to respond, why?


See the normal log file after AutoPIPE starts:

Something is preventing the application to process the rest of the start up requirements. 

 Try the following:

1. Close / crash AutoPIPE

2. Restart Computer, completely turn off computer for 30 sec. If applicable, remove external monitors or from docking station. Now reboot the computer.

3. Back up and delete the following folders.

C:\Users\Mike.Dattilio\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\

4. Confirm user is signed in to Connection Client

If No, sign into Connection Client

If Yes, go to step #5, below.

5. Open License management tool,

User should be logged in, the perform:

a. Tools> Send Logs Now

b. Tools> Refresh Policy

c. Confirm Entitlements, AutoPIPE Access is set to "Allowed"

d. Confirm Product Status, AutoPIPE description "Product is OK to Run"

All the above has been processed and confirmed?

If No, please process each step and confirm settings

If Yes, go to step #6, below.

6. Try and restart AutoPIPE again, does the program start as and run as it should:

If Yes, Great! continue working

If No, go to step #7, below.

7. Log Bentley Service Request and provide the following

a.  reference this WIKI

b. Confirm all steps have been followed

c. Provide AutoPIPE Log file - click here

d. Provide Microsoft Event Viewer File - click here

e. Microsoft WinDBG program - click here

See Also

Where are AutoPIPE's log files stored

Bentley AutoPIPE