03. How to connect Branch Piping to Header Piping to form a Tee component (i.e. tee, weldolet, sock

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i, CONNECT;
Environment: N/A
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May. 2016


If the header pipe has already been modeled, and the branch piping started from a different location is ready to be connected to another pipe to form a Tee type piping component. 


Segment E has already been modeled. Segment D originated in a different area of the model but now needs to be connected to the header piping (segment E)

How to form the connection between the 2 pipes at node point E06?


Steps to connect branch piping to a header pipe at node a specific node point (ex. E06):

1. Select current node point = D28

If the intersection point (ex. E06) on the header is missing it will need to be manually added. Use the measure tool to help provide the correct offset along the header for a right angle intersect point. 

2. Insert Run, Add points (b) before / (a) after = After (in this case), Name of Point = E06, press enter key.

3. The Tee point dialog should appear, select the type of tee, and press OK button.

4. Finished.

When you’re familiar with the steps this operation will only take 5 – 10 secs.

Be sure to use the correct insert run direction Before / After.

See Also

Tee, Cross, or Branch Piping Components - Modeling Approaches

Bentley AutoPIPE