Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Area: | Warning message |
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group |
Date Logged & Current Version | Nov 2022 |
The following is displayed when performing a model consistency check report:
* * * W A R N I N G - MODEL * * *
W2143-1 Following inconsistent data found in Analysis Set 1 Number of load cases does not match
1. Open WALKTHRU. Set the piping code to B31.3 2010, click OK
2. Open the General Model Options dialog again, click OK without any changes. Notice the Global Consistency Check warning
3. Run consistency check again, manually (Home > Model Validation). Notice no warnings
Why is that and how to Avoid it?
Response #1:
Typically this is a warning to the user that Analysis set XX may have load cases that are not complete or actually missing.
Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
User should follow these instructions:
1. Generate a model input listing that contains only Load Cases description sub-report.

2. Next, open each Analysis Sets dialog that list all of the analysis sets configured in the model and locate the analysis set from the Warning message.
3. Expand the Load Cases column to see all of the load case names in that analysis set
4. Confirm each load case is actually in the input listing report created previously.
As seen here T2 is missing from the sub report, thus the warning message.
5. Fix by removing T2 from Analysis Set #1.
There is a reported issue that this warning will appear even though all the load cases are present, this has been logged (1004410) and should be fixed in the next release of AutoPIPE scheduled for release in Jan. 2023 baring any testing issue.
Response #2:
The following Warning messages keeps appearing after reviewing the General Model options dialog.
W2143-1 Following inconsistent data found in Analysis Set 1 Number of load cases does not match,
W2143-1 Following inconsistent data found in Analysis Set x Number of load cases does not match,
This occurs when all the following are true:
ASME B31.3 model 2010 and later, or if Use Appendix P is checked for editions earlier than 2010
1. Open WALKTHRU. Set the piping code to B31.3 2010, click OK
2. Open the General Model Options dialog again, click OK without any changes. Notice the Global Consistency Check warning
3. Run consistency check again, manually (Home > Model Validation). Notice no warnings
When clicking OK on the General Model Options dialog, AutoPIPE looks at each static analysis set, increases the number of load cases for that set by the number of P-T pairs there are in the model, then only applies the pressure cases that was previously disabled in the load set where the associated thermal case was enabled. For example, only add P2 to the load set if it's not enabled but T2 is. For example, WALKTHRU's analysis set has 5 load cases (GR,T1,P1,E1,W1), but T2 exists in the model. After accepting GMO, AutoPIPE increases the load cases for that set to 7 (GR,T1,P1,E1,W1,P1,P2), but doesn't actually add P1 (the second time) and P2 to the analysis set, which is why the user is receiving the error.
This issue is harmless. Global consistency check, in addition to reporting the warning, will reset the number of load cases back to the correct value. This will always be corrected automatically by AutoPIPE
See Also
How to model a Pulled Bend?
"Warnings" Messages
Bentley AutoPIPE