09. Warnings, Errors, Crashed, Confirm Messages in AutoPIPE Nozzle

From time to time something will happen where AutoPIPE Nozzle will display a message warning text box. Most of these  typical warnings are categorized by the text box labels below, select the hyper link to see detailed information: 

From time to time something will happen where AutoPIPE Nozzle may display a message pop-up text box. Most of these  typical warnings are categorized by the text box labels below, select the hyper link to see detailed information. 

Dialog title: 


A- "Warnings" Messages

01. "No Autopipe Nozzle Identifiers found"

02. "Missing user combination File"

03. "Missing material library"

04. "Please select a Allowable Year First"

05. "Could not open the model... winnozle.def"

06. "Pad width is smaller than 1.65..."

B- "Error" Messages

01. Error opening RecordSet with SQL Select * from A2000A

02. Unexpected error; quitting

C- "APNOZZLE" Messages

01Bad file name or number, Run-time error '76': Path not found

02"Same shell and Nozzle axis selected"   

03. Run-time Error '339'

04. Run-time Error '713'

D- "System Error" Messages

01Input past end of file

02Component 'RICHTX32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered

03. Permission Denied

E- "AutoPIPE Nozzle" Messages

01. No Active AutoPIPE Advance or AutoPIPE Nuclear license found. Please activate your license before running AutoPIPE Nozzle

F- AutoDESK Messages

01. Please wait while windows configures AutoCAD 2019

02. Run setup.exe to install...

G- Failed to start

01. Does not start

If your message is not found in these categories, please contact technical support and log your issue. Be sure to include your model, screenshots, and exact steps to reproduce the error message.


See the following document for typical "Windows System Error Codes (exit codes) Description". 

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE