15. How are DNVGL-F101 offshore 2017 ASD calculations per GrT1P1 performed in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Stress Calculations
Date Logged
& Current Version
April 2023


How does AutoPIPE calculate DNVGL-F101 offshore 2017 ASD (Allowable Stress Design Check) code calculations so that Equivalent stress (Von Mises) (Eq. 5.46) = 87.99 N/mm^2 (as shown below) at node point A04?


 Given the following information about the system

D = 355.6 mm "Pipe outside dia"

t = 34.8 mm     "pipe wall thickness"

P = 22 MPa     "Internal Operating Pressure"

Fa = 0 N          "Axial force from Code Compliance results, GrT1P1"

  N*m       "Local Bending Moments from Code Compliance results, GrP1T1" 

fLongP = 1        "Results model Option, Longitudinal Pressure, set to 1 when P, set to 0 when A


Metal Area of Pipe 

       A = 35070 mm2

Pressure Area (Pipe ID)

     Ap = 64240 mm2

Moment Section Modulus

       ZM = 2567000 mm3

Bending Stress

    σB = 0 MPa

Long Pressure Stress ( N )

       NAP = 56.201 MPa

Hoop Stress (Eq. 5.47)

   σh = 101.402 MPa

Longitudinal/Axial stress (Eq. 5.48)

     σLmax = 56.201 MPa

     σLmax = 56.201 MPa

Equivalent stress (Von Mises) (Eq. 5.46)

   σe_max = 87.989 MPa

   σe_min = 87.989 MPa

Values agree with that reported in Results:


η x fY

η = 0.8 ASD Usage factor - Usage factor for equivalent stress check (table 5-14, low=1.0, medium=0.90, high=0.80)

fY = (SMYS - F y,temp) αu   Code Eq (5.4)

fY = 450 MPa - SMYS - Yield strength at room or  temperature, psi (defined on pipe properties) dependent on load/displacement de-rating factor

αu = 0.96 - Material strength factor, se table 5-3

Fy,temp = 34 MPa Temperature Derating Factor - the derating values due to the temperature of the yeild stress and the tensile strength respectively see (, Find on Press/Temp/PipeId tab of the input grids

Allowable = 319.488 MPa

See Also

DNV Piping Code Calculation Issues

Bentley AutoPIPE