FAQ about AutoPIPE's ATS

  1. ATS release date
  2. Download ATS
  3. Currently available ATS versions:
  4. Install, License, and Run AutoPIPE ATS
    1. Typical Comparison Report issues
  5. "Error - Cannot find File" message
  6. What is considered acceptable messages in the error log file?
  7. Expected difference from hand calculations to Results from AutoPIPE
  8. Reference for equations and Mathcad / Hand calculations
  9. Different error codes when processing ATS on different computers, why?
  10. Are non-included test features in the ATS testing matrix available to users?
  11. Why are models (ex.QA 262-6.dat) not listed in the Test Set Execution Status Matrix?

See Also

ATS and Batch Processing - AutoPIPE

ITS (Installation Test Set)

Bentley AutoPIPE