Overview:Comments, Questions, and Answers about modeling approaches for "Bends"
Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Modeling Approaches> Modeling Approaches> Bends
There are 7 different types of bend modeling approaches provided:
45° Elbow
180° Elbow
Flanged Elbow
Elbow Wall thickness
Elbow Wall Thickness overview
Elbow Wall Thickness (Method 1)
Elbow Wall Thickness (Method 2)
Base Supported Elbow
Base Supported Elbow overview
Model 1: Supported at a tangent point
Model 2: Supported at a point along the bend
Model 3: Alternate method for defining a support at a midpoint
Model 4: Modeling a "dummy leg" as a structural member
Miter Bends
Miter Bends Overview
Model 1: 3 Cuts - Closely Spaced
Model 2: 3 Cuts - Widely Spaced
Complete instructions on these modeling approaches are available in AutoPIPE's online help. Select the hyperlinks above for more information than available in the online help or Q&A about these modeling approaches.
See Also
Modeling Approaches
Bentley AutoPIPE