This warning message shows that there is missing user customized unit file in file. 
Here are the following steps that need to be followed to rectify this issue.:
- Open Settings drop down in Tools section < Preferences.
- Click the Explore tab in front of User Profile path.
- You will be directed to the User Profile Folder. Inside that folder search for the file file.
- Now open this file with the help any text editor like Notepad, Notepad ++, Ultraedit, or any other application that can read text files (But I suggest using Notepad++ or Ultraedit because it shows the line no. for easy referencing.
- As in image below, add a line after Line no. 76 and Type " APD-MM 3 APMET MCS150 NOM_MET SCHEDULE" as you see the image below. Each specific details should be in same alignment as above details.
- As in image below, go to line no.68 change the no. 7 to 8 ( of unit files).
- Save the file and now restart your Autopipe file.