W2164-41:Following inconsistencies are found for rotating equipment point included does not have anc

Applies To
Area: Warning
Date Logged
& Current Version
July 2023


The following warning message was displayed while running a model consistency check report in AutoPIPE

 * * * W A R N I N G - MODEL * * *
W2164-41:Following inconsistencies are found for rotating equipment xxx
[xxx ] point included does not have anchor/reference point defined.

Why and how to avoid it?


 Point names specified in a Rotating equipment dialog must be an Anchor or have Reference Point defined. 

If after the Rotating Equipment is defined and the model was modified to different values it may be necessary to perform the following:

a. Open the Rotating equipment dialog and confirm all points used:

b. For each node point, select the node point (ex. Select > Point > C00 and D05)

Confirm node point either has an Anchor or Reference Point (Insert > Anchor or Reference Point > OK)

c. Open the Rotating Equipment dialog (Modify > Rotating Equipment > select an existing Equipment ID (ex. WC))

d. Select the cell having each Anchor / Reference Point, enter edit mode for that cell by clicking in the cell, and then repeat for each node point entered on the dialog. Then click OK button to save the changes.

e. Repeat all above steps for the points used in the other Rotating Equipment IDs in the model.

f. Analyze the model

g. Generate Output Report for equipment (or all reports for that matter)

h. Report will be generated successfully.

See Also

"Warnings" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE