08. How to license AutoPIPE while not connected to the internet?

Applies To
Area: Licensing 
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2021


How to start using AutoPIPE offline? 

In BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool) there is information that AutoPIPE can be run offline, but while running the software it requires login to CONNECTION Client, which cannot be made without internet connection.


How long will it be before reconnecting to the internet again?

IF the answer is:

a. Permanently (never) or more than 7+ days, refer to option A below


b.  Less than 7 days, then use option B below

Option A. No internet connection for 7 days or More

Follow process here to check out / in a license for a user disconnected from the internet permanently or for more than 7+ days. 

Option B. No internet connection for 7 days or less

1. Because there is no internet connection, no need to sign into Connection Client. However Connection Client may be running in the back ground with the following displayed:

2. Start AutoPIPE, the Connection Client dialog may appear try to "Sign In" or close the Connection Client window using the X in the top right corner of the dialog, the following will then appear 

If you are offline the only option would be to press the Continue button

3. Look at the top center of the application window, find "Undefined - Bentley AutoPIPE  (Advanced or Nuclear)". This indicates that the application features per that edition (Standard / Advanced / Nuclear) are available, and to continue using the program, The program is entered License grace period mode.

If Demo was indicated here, the program would be running in DEMO mode with very limited capabilities.

4. Again, connect to the internet and sign back into Connection Center within the 7 days grace period, or the program will be disabled (reverts to Demo mode)

Note: Open BLT, select the Product Status tab, see application that are in "Offline grace period" mode and for how long.

The applications can be used so long as the grace period number of days is greater than zero. Otherwise, the application will not be licensed and reverts to demo mode.

To use the software again,

a. Reconnect to the internet

b. Sign back into Connection Client.

c. Open BLT, use both commands Refresh Policy and Send Logs.

d. Restart AutoPIPE

Note: select   from the bottom right corner of the video to enlarge to full screen mode.

See Also

Edition License issues


Bentley AutoPIPE