Q. Trial mode displayed on BLT for AutoPIPE license, why and how to avoid?

Applies To
Area: Licensing
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2019


Trial mode displayed on BLT for AutoPIPE license, why and how to avoid?


During trial mode the full capability of the program per that license type will be available to the user.


1. Active license = AutoPIPE Advanced in trial mode, see image above. This means that the user can use all the functions available in the program for Advanced Licensing. The user will not be able to use function reserved for Nuclear License. 

2. Active License = AutoPIPE Vessel Pressure Vessel (Standard). This means that the user can only use those feature available when Standard Pressure Vessel License is enabled. The user cannot use those features reserved for Heat Exchanger or Ultimate license selection. 

First, open the program and, use WIKI here, select an edition of the program  (Standard, Advanced, Nuclear) to be licensed.

Does this resolve the issue?

Yes, great continue using AutoPIPE

No, continue below

Does the product have "Allowed" listed in the Access column?

No, use WIKI here to activate product, After successful activation of the product, start over from the top of this page..

Yes, continue below, 

Note: After performing each step below, refresh policy in BLT to see if the issue has been resolved

1. Open BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool), perform the following:

a. Tools> Send Logs Now

b. Tools> Refresh Policy

2. Request that User Check In and Out of CONNECTION Client 3x, then log back in and try BLT> Tool> Activation Wizard, follow on screen prompts

3. Run License Health Check tool

4. Check user settings in User Management (performed by Bentley On-Site Admin only)

5. Reset CONNECTION Client

6. Collect and Analyze License Client Logs

See Also

BLT related issues

Licensing fails / does not work

Bentley AutoPIPE