Appendix B: RAM Structural System data available through SQLite - Technology Preview

The RAM Data Extractor is now a fully released feature in the program. For details refer to the RamManager.pdf documentation, Appendix D.

The information below is maintained for users of v 15.04. Technology Preview – RAM Structural System data available through SQLite


Enabling the Feature

In order to make the Data Extractor feature available for use you must edit the ramis.ini file. The file is located in the RAM Structural System directory; for normal installations this can be found at:

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Engineering\RAM Structural System.


In the ramis.ini file there is a line in the [Testing] section that looks like:






A value of 0 indicates that the feature is not available; a value of 1 means the feature is available. With an editor such as Notepad modify the line so that it says WriteDataToExternalDatabase=1. This will allow data to be saved to an SQLite database which can be accessed with the report generator. If necessary the feature can be disabled by editing the ramis.ini file and modifying the line to say WriteDataToExternalDatabase=0.



Two SQLite files are generated by the RAM Structural System. The first file with geometric data will be created when you exit the RAM Modeler. The second file is created in RAM Frame as part of the Analysis. To write the analysis results to SQLite, select the check box at the bottom of the dialog, "Write Results to SQLite database...":



These files are part of the model. They are initially written to the working directory and then saved into the .rss file.


A report generator that reads the SQLite database tables and creates reports in Excel has been added to the RAM Manager. The commands to run the viewer are located under the Post-Processing menu. The report generator can be run in two different ways:


When the Report manager opens, the

available SQLite tables are listed to the left.


All tables can be selected for inclusion in the report by clicking the double arrow button below the list.


This will result in all table names being moved to the window on the right indicating that they will be included in the report.




Tables can be added individually to a report by selecting the table and then clicking the single arrow button below the list.


This will result in the single table being listed in the right-hand window indicating it will be included in the report.




A report can be further refined by selected only certain fields from a table.


In the left-hand window, click the + beside the table name to expose the field names.


Select a field and click the single arrow button below the list.


The result will be that the table name and only that field will be moved to the window on the right. Additional fields can be added.


When the report is generated for this table, only the selected fields will be included.




To generate a report, select the green Lightning button from the toolbar. An Excel report will be generated from the data in the selected SQLite database tables.




To view the report in Excel format, select the Excel button beside the Generate button. One tab is created for each table selected from the database.



Note, some users have experienced a slight delay or slowness when closing the Ram Modeler or other module whenever the SQLite export is activated through the ramis.ini file settings. If this becomes problematic, the option can be turned off (set WriteDataToExternalDatabase=0) and then reactivated only when needed.