RAM SBeam v7.00 Release Notes

RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition V7.00.00

Release Notes  

Release Date: June 2021 

This document contains important information regarding RAM SBeam. It is important that all users are aware of this informationPlease distribute these release notes and make them available to all users of RAM SBeam. 

Important License Information: 

RAM SBeam is available through a Virtuoso Subscription, rather than a perpetual license. This is a subscription-based Bentley license providing a single user unlimited access to a product at a recurring annual payment. Licenses for previous versions of RAM SBeam do not carry over to RAM SBeam v7.0, subscriptions are required. For more information, see: Introducing the RAM SBeam Virtuoso Subscription

The RAM SBeam Virtuoso Subscription can be purchased at virtuosity.com: http://virtuosity.com/product/ram-sbeam/

New Features and Enhancements: 

RAM SBeam V7.00.00 contains several powerful enhancements: 

Launch from RAM Structural System and RAM Elements 

RAM SBeam v7.0 can be launched from RAM Structural System and from RAM Elements. When launched from the RAM Steel Beam module, all of the necessary data, including geometry, composite properties, loads, bracing, and criteria, is passed to RAM SBeam where any of that can be modified as desired. For this capability, update to the latest version of RAM Structural System; it may not function properly in v17.02.01 or earlier. Note: For some users this feature doesn't work with previous versions. Re-enabling this feature required changes to RAM SBeam, RAM Structural System, and RAM Elements; the changes necessary for RAM SBeam are included in this version, but for some users the capability won't be available until new versions of RAM Structural System and RAM Elements are released.

AISC 360-16 

The requirements of AISC 360-16, “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings”, as found in the AISC Steel Construction Manual, 15th Edition, have been implemented. This includes the new requirement for composite beam design to consider stud ductility. 

Canada CAN/CSA S16-14 

The requirements of CAN/CSA S16-14, “Design of Steel Structures”, have been implemented. 

India IS 800-07 WSD and LSD 

The requirements of IS 800-07, “General Construction in Steel – Code of Practice”, have been implemented. 

Eurocode Design of Steel Beams with Web Openings 

The design of steel beams with web openings has been implemented for the Eurocode, based on the recommendations of SCI Publication P355 Design of Composite Beams with Large Web Openings. Round and rectangular openings are allowed. The need for web reinforcement is investigated, and if needed is designed by the program. 

User-specified Demand/Capacity Limits 

The user can now specify the limit on the Demand/Capacity ratio used in design, on the Demand/Capacity tab of the Design Criteria tab. Previously the program designed to a ratio limit of 1.0. This now allows the user to specify lower values, resulting in designs of members with an extra margin of capacity for future changes in loads, for example. Separate values can be specified for steel beams and C-Beams, with limits for both strength and deflection. 

Composite Beam Stud Criteria 

Several powerful enhancements have been made to the Studs criteria. 

Web Openings 

Several enhancements have been incorporated for the design of beams with web openings. 

Updated Steel and Deck Tables 

Deflection Limits Listed on Steel Beam Design Report. 

The Gravity Beam Design report lists the deflections and span/deflection ratios for the various conditions of Dead, Live, and total loads. This listing has been enhanced to now show the corresponding deflection limits specified by the user; this makes it easier to see to what limits the beam was designed. The ratio of actual to allowable deflection values is also listed; this makes it easier to verify whether or not the deflection limits have been satisfied.  

Eurocode Combinations 

Previously the load combinations used for design per the Eurocode used the provisions of Equation 6.10 in BS EN 1990:2002+A1:2005. The program has been enhanced to now use load combinations based on Equations 6.10a and 6.10b. Designs based on the load combinations of Equation 6.10 were conservative, designs based on Equations 6.10a and 6.10b will likely result in more economical designs. 

Castellated and Cellular Beams 

In addition to the implementation of AISC 360-16, the design warnings for Castellated and Cellular C-Beams have been enhanced. For an optimized C-Beam size, if the number of studs required to satisfy a user-specified Minimum Percent Composite or user-specified Maximum Stud Spacing did not fit on the beam (because for example the deck is skewed or the flange is narrow), the program would call for as many studs as would fit but would not warn the user that the user-specified value was not satisfied. The designs satisfied code-required Minimum Percent Composite and maximum stud spacing, but may not have satisfied user-specified values, without warning to the user. Proper warnings are now given (even though no further action is required to meet the requirements of the Specification). 

Crash Reporting

In order to improve the stability and reliability of the program we have implemented a feature in which a report is delivered to Bentley anytime the RAM SBeam program crashes. When a crash occurs, a dialog is given requesting a description of the events leading to the error. Please provide us with as much pertinent information as you can (what series of events that you did prior to the crash, etc.), and then select the command to Send Error Report. This will assist us in locating the cause of program crashes, and better enable us to eliminate their causes.

Bentley CONNECT 

As a CONNECT Edition, RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition v7.00 includes several powerful features common to other Bentley CONNECT Edition programs: 

Error Corrections: 

Some errors in previous versions have been corrected in v7.00. The more significant errors are listed here. The error only occurred for the precise conditions indicated. Errors that may have resulted in un-conservative designs are shown with an asterisk. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

STUDS ON BEAMS WITH WEB OPENINGS*: If the design of a composite beam with a web opening is controlled by M-V interaction of the tee, it is possible in some cases to eliminate required stiffeners by adding additional studs. When that condition occurred, the program attempted to add additional studs to determine if the stiffeners could be eliminated, but in some cases would determine that the stiffeners could be eliminated but did not specify the required number of additional studs. 

Effect: For the case where the M-V interaction of the tee of the composite beam controlled the beam design the program may have indicated that no stiffener was required but may not have specified the proper number of studs to satisfy the web opening design without stiffeners. Error did not occur if anything else controlled the design of the beam. 

WEB OPENING TEE BUCKLING CAPACITY CHECK: In the design of beams with web openings per AISC Design Guide #2, it is not required to perform the buckling capacity check of tees with an aspect ratio less than 4.0. However, the program incorrectly and unnecessarily calculated the demand/capacity ratio for that check and potentially listed that value as the controlling demand/capacity ratio for the opening, but correctly did not flag the opening as failing if that ratio exceeded 1.0. Hence it was possible that the program listed a demand/capacity ratio greater than 1.0 but did not indicate that the opening failed. 

Effect: Potentially, in View/Update, an incorrect demand/capacity ratio greater than 1.0 was listed for the opening, even if the opening passed all of the necessary design checks (the design report listed the correct value). 

VIEW/UPDATE DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIO – BEAMS WITH WEB OPENINGS: In View/Update, if a beam with a web opening was optimized using the Optimize command there, the value listed for Demand/Capacity Ratio for Strength was incorrect. 

Effect: Display error only. Although the results initially displayed in the View Update dialog box for beams with web openings were correct, the Demand/Capacity Ratio for Strength displayed when the beam was optimized using the Optimize button was incorrect. 

VIEW/UPDATE DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIO – BEAMS WITH WEB OPENINGS: The Demand / Capacity Ratio shown in the View Update dialog box for beams with web openings designed according to US codes did not include the worst interaction from the compression tee buckling results. 

Effect: Display error only. Although the design of beams with web openings designed according to US codes were correctly performed and the detailed report showed the worst interaction encountered, the displayed interaction in the View Update dialog box did not include the worst interaction from checks done for the compression buckling of the tees. This error only occurred if the compression tee buckling of an opening controlled the design of the beam. 

VIEW/UPDATE DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIO – SHORED COMPOSITE BEAM DEFLECTION: The reported controlling deflection interaction in the View Update dialog box for shored composite beams may have been incorrect. 

Effect: Display error only. While design of shored composite beams was correct, the reported controlling deflection interaction in the View Update dialog may have been incorrect. 

CSA/CAN S16-09 HSS SHEAR CAPACITY*: The shear capacity for a Rectangular HSS was incorrect. 

Effect: In calculating the shear capacity of a Rectangular HSS, the depth of the shear plane should have been reduced by 4 times the thickness of the web rather than 2 times the web thickness. A less conservative shear capacity was reported. For designs governed by shear, a member may have passed the shear check when it should have been failed. 

CAN/CSA S16-09 CLASS 4 HSS: The flexural capacity calculated for Class 4 HSS sections designed according to CAN S16-09 was incorrect  

Effect: The design and reported flexural capacity for Class 4 HSS was incorrect. The reported capacity was conservative. Designs which should have otherwise passed, may have been reported as failed. 

C-BEAM COMPOSITE WEB POST BUCKLING CHECK*: The reported demand and capacity results for the Web Post Buckling check may not have been the worst evaluated during the member check. 

Effect: Although all other limit state checks were correctly performed, the governing results reported for the Web Post Buckling check may have been incorrect. C-Beam designs governed by the Web Post Buckling check may have been unconservative.