Does RCDC calculate the effective length factor based on ACI 318M -14 Fig. R6.2.5 (b) for sway frame

 Applies To 
 Product(s):STAAD Advanced Concrete Design
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Concrete Design
 Subarea: Column & Shear Wall
 Original Author:Suvadeep Acharjee
Bentley Technical Support Group

Does RCDC calculate the effective length factor based on ACI 318M -14 Fig. R6.2.5 (b) for sway frames?


Reply: RCDC calculates the column effective length factors as per above charts based on type of frame.

Type of frame is identified as per story height, axial load, relative displacement and story shear. Refer below snap,

Based on the column at top and bottom along with beam stiffness of story considered, value of Ѱ is calculated. Refer below snap,

As per Ѱ, effective length factor (k) is calculated based on fig. 6.2.5