1. Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Reference Information> Code Compliance Calculations> select a piping code to see the calculations performed by AutoPIPE.
2. ASME B31. App S: S301, S302, and S303 examples are available in File> Example> Models for review - documents.
Item #0: Allowable calculation
Item #1: Support loads dues to GR(1) and Gr(2) are different in AutoPIPE model using ASME B31.3, why?
Item #2: Why is the computed ASME B31.3 allowable displacement stress range different in my AutoPIPE Model?
Item #5: ASME B31.3-2010 Occ Allowable is incorrect in AutoPIPE V8i 09.04.xx.xx, why?
Item #7: How are the ASME B31.3 longitudinal pressure stress calculated?
Item #8: Does AutoPIPE check branch connection reinforcement area per ASME B31.3, para. 304.3.3?
Item #11: How to calculate ASME B31.3 -2010 Occasional stress (Sus+E1)?
Item #12: Does AutoPIPE have a setting to switch between using ASME B31.3 eq. 3a or eq. 3b?
Item #13: How is the Ec/Eh ratio applied for ASME B31.1 but not for B31.3?
Item #14: Does AutoPIPE perform calculations per ASME B31.3 chapter IX and appendix K
Item #15: Difference of Force and Moment in tee section between B31.3 and B31J
Item #16: Adding a ASME B31E combination into an ASME B31.3 analysis
Item #17: Understand difference in calculated stresses between 2018 and 2020
Item #18: Why stresses are not varying in both Von-Mises & Tresca theory in ASME B31.3?
Item #19: How to calculate the Hoop stress for ASME B31.3-2020?