Q. Do I need to have internet connection to install and run AutoPIPE?


Yes and No. 

First and foremost, acquire the software. The Bentley software is only available by downloading it from Software Downloads web site. See Wiki page here for instructions to download AutoPIPE software. 

After downloading the software it can be transferred by any means to the computer which will be running the application.

Does the computer running AutoPIPE have access to the internet?

Yes.. the computer has internet connection

The application installation and licensing is straight forward, See WIKI here, and follow instructions to Install and License the application.  

No.. the computer does not have internet connection

If the computer running AutoPIPE does not have access to the internet, no worries the software can still be installed and licensed by following a few more steps than normally used to install.

Again, the software must be downloaded following the instructions mentioned before. Afterwards, refer to AutoPIPE's Readme file (note, online version available from Release notes WIKI page (version dependent), and find the sections called "Minimum Profile" and "Installation Requirements". Make sure that the computer running AutoPIPE:

a. Meets or exceeds the Minimum requirements.

b. Is up to date with all of the apps listed in the readme file before installing AutoPIPE. 

AutoPIPE's installer has many of the requirements already bundled in the installer. See WIKI here for instructions and video on how to extract each of these MSI files from AutoPIPE's *.EXE file. Transfer all of the necessary files to the computer running AutoPIPE and install them as mentioned. 

Next, Licensing. See WIKI here for instructions to check out a license, transfer license file to the computer running AutoPIPE, and import the license file. 

If you have any troubles with:

- Licensing the application, please contact Bentley Licensing department for assistance by phone or log a case.

- Using AutoPIPE itself,  log a case.

See Also

Download, Install, Release Note information

Bentley AutoPIPE