Bug 1580540
Added weight at Bend Midpoint not reported in Input listing
Bug 1570796
Flexible Joint Report: Update equation 7c for deflection ranging
Bug 1306183
Japanese translation: Flexible Joint report Axial and Lateral titles are labeled incorrectly
Bug 1224924
Filtering Code Stress Report or selecting set does not work correctly
Bug 1216775
Flexible Joint subreport does not calculate coordinate system under load
Bug 1197360
Flexible Joint Report: Coordinate Transformation of Displacements is not done correctly
Bug 1195127
Application Crash - create a model input listing report that includes Tee sub report using B31.8
Bug 1186094
Application Crash while creating a model input listing report that includes Tee sub report using B31.8
Bug 1093676:
Report update: Units for Nozzle WRC297 Vessel Length L1 and L2 are shown as inches, need to be updated to "Ft"
Bug 1086393:
General Code report manager Standard text report does not include "Code Compliance" sub report
Feature 1076710:
Report: add local coordinate results for Displacement, Restraint Reactions, Beam Forces sub reports
Bug 1047444:
Filtered Restraint Report prints blank lines with 0.00 values for all results
Feature 1002473
Remove code compliancy statement from Code Summary reports
The system does not satisfy ASME B31.8 (2016) code requirements
for the selected options
The compliance statement was taken out because it implied that all conditions of a given code were acceptable and was too generic. Users could assume that AutoPIPE is taking into account every requirement of the code, but this is not the case because only a small portion of the code deals with pipe flexibility and support. Certain circumstances are also not addressed in this section, so it is up to the pipe stress engineer to be aware of the code requirements and make sure they are followed. Because the program cannot verify that the geometry is correctly modelled or have control over how users combine or build load situations, for instance, the D/t = 50 is merely a warning and is not prevented by the program.
Some of our users use the program as a "black box" and expect it to do everything for them, so we removed this statement as it can be factually incorrect in some cases and the responsibility of stating that the piping system meets all the code requirements is the pipe stress engineer, not the program's.
Feature 932056 (TFS-138654: Tracker#:10591):
Add ratio column to code stress output report
Feature 928750:
Add support for multi-core processing to improve Report Generation speed
Feature 903230:
Color Plot: view color plot for displacement results
Bug 901812:
Beam name is truncated on the Support Data Listing sub report
Bug 885597:
Equipment sub report - Japanese translation for "center point offset" is wrong
Feature 867514:
mode shapes be unity normalized instead of mass normalized
Bug 813036:
Node +/- faces not printing due to incorrect tolerance criteria when changing units
Bug 847302:
Results summary are not printed for every Stress Summary configured
Avoidance: Only print 1 stress summary / service level to output and then manually combine output reports.
Bug 806735:
Output report - page numbering, blank pages, and page breaks
Bug 766028:
Print the Spring hanger selection report in text output report and word output report
Bug 748530:
"Zero Length Element Error" message in analysis without node indication
Bug 748527:
Point Connectivity report Length values are multiplied by 25.4 instead of 304.8
Bug 748046 :
Update General Stress Report to print Tresca, Max Shear, and Von Mises stressed and remove option from Results Model Options
Bug 746278:
Combine Support results into one in reports
Bug 740722:
MS Word: Output Word report sections are not being printed properly
Bug 710722:
Anchor Report prints incorrect results for translational stiffness X and Y
Investigation 685106:
Newest version 12.08 takes longer to generate a report than an older versions
Bug 645051:
Improve Post Processor Performance
Bug 644393:
For SRSS combinations, local and global support forces may not always be correct
Bug 643974:
OUTReport: page numbering is malfunctioning
Bug 643905:
Incorrect stress unit displayed on General Stress Result grid
Enhancement 1110858:
Report stress at 8 symmetrical points around the circumference of the pipe
Enhancement 1107469:
Add feature to document each non-converging load case per load set in analysis report
Enhancement 1079580:
Update "NC/ND Full Verification Report - Level C/D" report example
Enhancement 1073198:
Report: add node location & connectivity Input Listing sub report
Enhancement 1040457:
Report the loads on both sides of nodes
Enhancement 976874:
Add feature to report exact location of Zero Length Element
Export component GUIDs to SQLite database
Enhancement 725624:
Report Mass points per span "Cutoff frequency"
Enhancement 636711:
Add Global or Local coordinate designation label to F3 Point Result Properties dialog
Defect 626579:
Time history post processor only displays plot for one second
Defect 565850:
AutoPIPE Crash on Analysis Summary Reporting
Defect 495144:
Allowable stress is reported as zero for Hoop stress category, add notification when this occurs
Defect 379648:
Update Wind Data listing reference
Defect 347285:
Garbage values printed for response spectrum load summary data listing
Defect 340155:
"Long weld E fact" and "Long weld WL fac" incorrectly displayed under the Pipe data listing
Enhancement 328325:
Model Consistency check - add warning when Beam Properties Modulus = 0.00
Enhancement 305976 (100075 & 93835):
Add color plot for Line Number
Defect 276645:
SIF on intermediate nodes on or following a bend may be incorrect
Defect 262858:
Incorrect SAM results for skewed inclined supports
Enhancement 262256:
Report Max (+ & -) of the Global forces and moments about anchor points
Enhancement 239855:
Generate detailed hanger listing report in excel to help purchase and installation of pipe support
Enhancement 237988:
Report calculated hydrotest pressure in model input listing
Enhancement 218330 (224756):
Add Center of Gravity Offsets for Manual Valve Actuators
Defect 181952:
Tees with different material across tee legs may report inconsistent allowable values
Enhancement 148629:
Report Viewer to be the active Window when opened
Enhancement 138437: Tracker#: 10355
Add option to print stress/ratio plot for non-code combination
Enhancement 136055, 102553: Tracker#: 8732, 649, ADO 1057017
Add total length of pipe to Extended Component Data Listing report
Enhancement 134372: Tracker#: 7986
Add option to display weight of highlighted selection
Enhancement 134240: Tracker#: 7574
Add option to print hanger report with output report:
Enhancement 130548:
Add option to view beam displacements in results grids.
Enhancement 108571:
Add option to envelope loads for supports at the same node point or beam
Enhancement 102687: Tracker#: 992
Display displacements results in the local coordinate system
Enhancement 74287:
Enhancement 72841:
Include an ability to model local membrane effects using shell elements for pipe supports
Enhancements Requests and Logged Defects