Q. What values to use for Crotch Radius and Crotch Thickness on a Welded / Contour tee per ASME B31J

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Area: Modeling
Date Logged
& Current Version
Feb 2023


What values to use for Crotch Radius and Crotch Thickness on a Welded / Contour tee in AutoPIPE?


There are no default values in these fields since the values for these fittings vary depending on the manufacturer. Manufacturers are only required by the fitting standards to uphold specific oversize dimensions and end connection criteria. When computing SIF values, these standards do not offer the detailed values that the B31J standard requires. Thus the best source for this information is the manufacture, or until such time when possibly the standard will establish new mandates. For general knowledge, the nuclear industry has had these requirements for entering detailed component values for the last 40+ years. 

Besides the manufacture, another source for these missing values would be ASME B31J code book, Table 1-1 and Notes (1), (6), (7) for Welding and Contour, and (1), (7), (10). If you do not have a copy of this code book, AutoPIPE help also echoed some of these code requirements for your convenience (search help for Tee Crotch Radius Thickness, and chose the topic "SIF Details for Tees:". Be sure to read this section multiple times for better understanding). 

The following feature has been logged:

1092475, B31J SIF calculations, Add option to automatically calculate default SIF if specific component information is missing

The development team will add this feature into a future version of the program. Until such time please contact the manufacture for this data or manually perform the calculation for the default value when dimensions are not readily available. Please note these manually calculations will produce a Higher SIF value which may produce more conservative results.

As a last resort if all other options are exhausted and no value is discovered, order a component and measure it yourself. 

See Also

B31J Code questions

Bentley AutoPIPE