forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file c:\progra files\bentley\autopipe xm\auto

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: warning
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following occurs when using AutoPIPE:

forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file c:\progra files\bentley\autopipe xm \autoplan.cnf


forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file c:\progra files\bentley\autopipe xm \autoplan.cnf

How to resolve ?


 The problem is that something has corrupted the Autoplan.CNF file on your computer. Use one of the following solutions:

Solution #1: Using AutoPIPE v 10.01.xx.xx and HIGHER, with these versions, the AutoPlan.CNF file is a temporary file located in the user's profile. remove AutoPLAN.CNF from user's configuration 

C:\Users \---user name--- \AppData \Roaming \Bentley \AutoPIPE CONNECT

Restarting AutoPIPE will copy the AutoPLANT.CNF file from the program's directory back into the user's profile directory thus fixing the problem. 

Solution #2: Close AutoPIPE, copy a Autoplan.CNF file from another computer that has the exact same version installed. Paste the copied file on the system having the issue in the same location overwriting the original file, and restart AutoPIPE.

Solution #3: Open the DAT file in a HexEditor. IF the file has no data in the first 20 lines, the file may have been incorrectly saved. Try opening the BAK file and save to a local folder. If unsuccessful, the file must be recreated.

Solution #4: Close AutoPIPE, completely remove AutoPIPE from the system and reinstall the program.

See Also

Visual Fortran run-time error messages

Bentley AutoPIPE